
Crazy as a Loom

Saturday, January 13, 2024

After the holidays

Mr. Froggy even got a sweater to wear on Christmas Eve.

My granddaughter's response was one of the sweetest things I've ever seen, and made all the 
work that went into this more than worth it.

I tried to upload a video, but it said it was too only 1 minute!! 
But she was totally surprised, and was speechless, it was precious.  Then she tackled me 
which I was totally ready for.

After a 5 year break from knitting........which I still don't really understand, as I have knitted my whole life, I started again.

It feels like I never stopped, to be honest, and I am pleased to have found it again.

This photo makes the socks look like they are different lengths, and I had to go back and check them.  They are the same, it's the photo, thank goodness.

I think I will. be gifting everyone hand knitted socks for Christmas next year.

I did get back to some dyeing, and all this color is appreciated since most of this winter
has been gray and gloomy.  I long for those few and far between sunny days.

This will be a towel warp, coming up.

On the towel front, I just took 21 blue ones off the loom.

And I'm doing pink and white right now, and since these are really NOT my colors, I'll be super glad when they are done.

We are having high winds tonight, after a rainy, rainy day.  I am hoping that we don't lose
power, although it is very likely.

This was a very busy week, and a tough one in some ways.

But I've decided that I don't have a lonely life at all.   I do have a solitary one, much of the time, but it suits me, actually quite well.

We are headed towards spring, and it's a lovely thought, isn't it?


Daryl said...

good morning .. it rained here yesterday and then it cleared blue skies fluffy clouds and then the wind picked up ..i was nearly blown over while walking Lola last night .. now the temps have dropped again .. crazy weather

my therapist - i resisted and now i am happy i gave it - when i said i was alone said try thinking solo instead and she was right (as she is about a lot) .. i dont mind being solo i quite like the quiet ..

stay warm!

Rita said...

There's a huge difference between being on your own and being lonely. Absolutely!
Love the Froggy sweater! Sorry the video wouldn't post. :(
I hope you don't lose power. Right now here in Fargo it is -14 degrees with a -32 wind chill. Losing power is scary. Stay warm and safe! :)

Joanne Noragon said...

It is just colder than cold here. The froggy and sweater are too cute.
My knitting of late is to bail out my daughter's pair of unfinished socks. Past that, I just wound the new warp on the loom and will be busy tying it on for the near future.

Karen M said...

Love the socks, the red-sweatered frog, your granddaughter's love for you, those towels! And glad for you, that you are finding your way through the grieving and changes. No surprise, your resilience is inspiring.

Isabella said...

The frog is so cute !!! and even if pink is not your favorite color, the pattern is very lovely !!! Stay warm :)

Welcome to my world.

Because every thread counts

Because every thread counts