
Crazy as a Loom

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Critters and a simple thought.

Is this enough color??????   

I wanted some towels that just screamed happy.

I think they do.

I have a stash of 70+ towels........ and taking into consideration that a few will sell here and there, I want at least 100 for the guild show in November.

Still on a mission to downsize, to really get rid of things I am not using, and know that I probably won't use.   I am having a HUGE sale this coming Saturday, May 20th, from 10-2, right here.  So far I have 160 cones of thread, and about 30 hand dyed yarns for weft.  Plus there's a Baby Wolf loom, a table loom, and lots of miscellaneous weaving tools.

The lawn has taken off........and maintaining almost an acre of lawn has once again
become an issue.

On our morning walks, Lois and I see lots of wildlife.   These turtles love to sun themselves on this log.   

There's a muskrat that follows us sometimes, and a pair of ducks, and Harry the heron.

So far, Willie and Naya have not noticed him.

I had a bit of an epiphany the other day.   I was driving through the countryside going to a friend's house, and I was just enjoying the scenery and the quiet.   I wasn't really thinking of anything.  I stopped  at  a local coffee shop, and I was pouring myself a cup of coffee, and clear as a bell, the thought came, 

"I love my life...........and I'm ok."

It startled me, and I almost looked around to see who said it, but I knew that it was in my head.

But from that moment on, I have felt better.
It may not make a bit of sense, but it's true.

I will forever miss my husband, and there will still be things that bring me to tears, 
but for the first time in a year, I felt a real sense of acceptance, and serenity.  I'm going to be fine.

Sydney says:   "Of course you are."

She's so wise, isn't she?

Yesterday I was out in the yard, and noticed several big vultures swooping around. 

Then two of them landed on a house across the road.  

I headed over there, to get a closer shot.  I figured they would be gone
by the time I got there, but they weren't.

Heathcliff and Gertrude, maybe?????


Joanne Noragon said...

"I'm OK!"
Of course you are.
And there still are small grey patches ahead. But you will blow right through them.
Are those turkey vultures, across the field from you? I think I remember turkey vultures having red wattles on their heads. It's wonderful to see a heron. I hope your pups never scare him!
That "back 40" is quite impressive. Does your township (?) have ordinances against vegetation? Think of how much wildlife you're supporting!
Best of luck on your sale this weekend. The best supplies and equipment have been through the loving hands of weavers and sent to the universe for the benefit of other weavers.

Rita said...

What better voice can one have in their head! How marvelous!

The colorful towels are my favorite!! They do scream happy! I hope you will sell me a couple when I have the money in June.

Great photos. I hope you have a sweet week. :)

claudia said...

I completely understand that thought you had! After my Mom passed, I was driving to work one morning and out of the blue I heard, "Just keep going the way you are, everything will turn out fine." I swear my Mom was sitting in the passenger seat! I got chills and then smiled.

I am so happy for you that you have come to this conclusion. You are fine!

Twylla Alexander said...

I've learned the importance of listening to that inner voice, as you did. It speaks such wisdom. I'm happy for you, Hilary, and for those of us who read your wise words! Btw, I used the towel I purchased when I visited your labyrinth years ago, when I facilitated a recent labyrinth retreat. It was the covering for the altar we created. :-)

Caroline M said...

I remind myself that although it's not the life I had, it's a good life none the less. We have to look to the future because there's no bringing the past back.

After my mother died I had a quarter acre plot to maintain and that was more than enough for me.

Marlene Toerien said...

As I am a very slow weaver, 70 towels sound to me a lot, those on the photo spells to me "happiness". We are having a very cold and wet winter here in South Africa.
I enjoy your blogs so much!
Marlene Toerien.

Rita said...

Can you email me.
soulcomfort(at) gmail
I would like to buy a couple of those happy kitchen towels.

Orlythe said...

Gertrude and Heathcliff! Red Skelton's seagulls!

Love your musings. I have followed you since you were first considering buying the little rundown house in Hudson Falls. Be well, sweetie. I'm one year older than you; gave up all my floor looms last year to move to the independent living wing of a lovely retirement place. And I'm right there with you. Live, laugh, love, weave -- and that's enough.

Love to you from near Milwaukee, WI.

Welcome to my world.

Because every thread counts

Because every thread counts