I am somewhat surprised at how much I am changing/adapting to life. It's not something I expected. Ah, but here it is.
Of course, as we know well, physical ailments, accidents, loss of youth, does prompt some changes, and as much as we resist them, sometimes it is just not in our best interests to do so.
Ten years ago, when I fell and smashed my head on a rock, my life changed in a nano second. I didn't realize it at first, of course. But as time went on, and the headaches took over my life, I was forced to accept what really seemed unacceptable.
And I adapted.
Eventually, I was forced to admit that weaving rugs, something I had done for so many years, was just too damn hard on my neck. So I sold all the fabric, all the rug looms, and morphed into a weaver that I never thought I would be.
Clothing. Towels. Fabric.
Imagine my total shock, when I discovered that I loved it, even more than I loved weaving rugs.
Who knew.
I began to understand that sometimes change can frighten, and then, delight you. That was hard to wrap my brain around, but it proves out time and again.
Besides, what choice do we really have? I can't undo the crack of my head on the rock. I can't turn back the clock and be younger.
Today, this day, this body, this ME, that's what I have to work with.
Once again: "Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today."
I was thinking about this when I woke up this morning with a slammer of a headache......and honestly, I could not remember when the last time was that I did that. Imagine?????
I could not tell you when I had the last beastly, unrelenting headache, it was that long ago.
If I was more limber, I would jump for joy. I'm not sure I ever expected to be able to say that.
Once my knee was recovered enough to weave, even for short periods, I began to feel more normal.
A 40 yard towel warp got me motivated.
I am blessed beyond belief.
Lois and I fired up the cloth storage system on the AVL, which really makes it easy to cut off towels and hem them as I go along, without wasting any warp.
On other fronts, I took a ride with a good friend, to pick up our sewing machines from their service apppointments.
We stopped on the way at the Water Wheel Village in Galway, NY, where they have the best
cheese ever.
I always buy their cheddar, and this time I couldn't resist these olives.
While wandering around the back yard one day, pondering all the yard work I am still
unable to do, I discovered that I had a black walnut tree that I have never
identified before.
The squirrels know, I bet.
It was pretty easy to find someone to take down all the chicken fence, and then the garden fence. I gave it away, happy for the chance to get rid of it.
As I told DH, we are NOT planting big gardens anymore.
Clearing this space out will make it so much easier to keep the sumac and the Japanese knotweed from taking over.
That's my new approach to yard work.....keep it clear, and therefore easy to mow or weedwhack.
I still love the new space where the barn once was. Not one bit sorry.
I occasionally think this old house is just too much house for us, but honestly, I can't really imagine living anywhere else.
I am also a firm believer that when older folks leave their homes to downsize, or to please their kids, it usually ends in their feeling lost and unmoored.
This old house is comfort to me, and I love it.
All I have is today. It's 24 hours on this earth to be happy. and I'm taking full advantage of it.
There are so many things I am grateful for.
Too many to count.
New towels.......headed to the McKernon Gallery in downtown Hudson Falls.
OK, break is over....back to the loom.