Every now and again, I wonder why I am still blogging all these years later, and I wonder, is anybody out there, other than the handful of people that I am pretty sure are still hanging on??
So that tells me it's time for another giveaway.......you know the kind, where all you have to do is comment, to get a chance at something from Crazy as a Loom Weaving Studio........this time it will be a hand woven towel from my collection.
Today is Sunday, so I will draw the winner on WEDNESDAY, the 26th, to give everyone a chance.
These next two photos are from a couple of weeks ago, but they make me happy, so here they are.
They love the hot tub, and I love that you can see the chickens in the background.
I swear that my living room is not usually quite this messy, but a 7 yr old, a 4 yr old, and a 1 yr old can change all that in a heartbeat.
And I never mind one bit. It's worth it.
I bought a few small things, keeping in mind that I have just downsized my house by over 600 items. But I just could not resist this.
I love things with lights in them. It's a weakness.
Today I have a Spinach lentil soup on the stove, it smells heavenly.
Yesterday, I spent a great deal, ok......all day, trying to convince myself that I do not need this knee surgery. That changed this morning, when I stepped out of bed to extreme pain. So I decided today to stop whinging about it, and get some stuff done.
I had my little loom on the screen porch, and I've been occasionally amusing myself making wall hangings. One of them is sold already, the other is pending. They were a lot of fun to weave.
I am trying to accept the fact that for probably July and August, I will not be of much use to
myself or anyone else. But I know that I have to have this done, if I want to stay on my
feet, and I do.
My oldest daughter read me the riot act this morning, kind of. Wonder where she gets THAT from?
She said I need to be thinking about this as a positive thing in my life, and if I decide it is going to be good, and an improvement, and it's going to make my life better, then it will, that whatever I put out there into the universe, will come back to me.
So that's what I am doing.

I have been reading your blog for years. I no longer read many of the blogs I used to read, but yours is one of my mainstays. I check in on you every couple weeks or so to hear your take on things and to see how you are doing.
Good afternoon from Colorado! I have watch your blog for a long while and missed it when you moved it to another service as I could not find it. I have tried some of your recipes as well and enjoyed them.
Take care, good luck with the knee.
I am so glad you are getting your knee replaced. It isn't fun for awhile but you won't regret it.
I too love light things. That little house is so cute but pales in comparison to the grands. They are just so precious and growing so fast.
Get that surgery scheduled. As the great philosopher Nike says "just do it".
I'm sorry I'm not good about commenting on blogs. I read every post you make, I love seeing what you're weaving, the grandkids, chickens and everything else. It is worth blogging - keep on with it. And my best to you on the knee surgery. I'm sure you'll be happy once it's done.
I also rarely comment here, but I read every post and am glad you are getting the knee surgery, even though you don't want to. I get that.
I have been reading for years and following your progress. I need to get a knee doctor, I guess I start next week finding one that takes my insurance. Good luck on your surgery.
I also enjoy reading your posts, I love the production weaving and all the creativity. Please keep it going. The surgery is worth it, it will not take you long to get back to speed. ((Hugs))
Thank you for continuing to blog, i enjoy reading about your life and work, family and pets.
Hilary - I have been following you since the original rugweaving forum and remember when you found your beautiful home... I still see your discovery pictures of it in my mind's eye and remember your excitement for the prospect of owning it. I don't need to be in a drawing for one of your lovely towels, I just wanted you to know that I enjoy your posts and appreciate your blog. I read every one and miss you when you don't post. Thank you.
My grandchildren also have a way of turning my living room and kitchen into disaster areas It was messy when they were younger and a total disaster now that they are teenagers. I totally sympathize! I love reading your blog. I don't weave much anymore, but I still really enjoy seeing all of your creations. Thank you!
I'm here and taking it all in. Thank you for sharing all you do. No need for a gift you already do that for me when you blog.
I have had both knees replaced...the first was nerve wracking. But that was me not the procedure. Do the therapy esp the bending straightening stuff...if you have stairs make sure they teach you how to manage them before you go home. Think positive...you'll be fine! You will be pain free before you know it!
I enjoy regularly reading your blog. Your weavings are beautiful. After you get through the rehab I’m sure it will be worth it to be pain free. I’m working up courage for cataract surgery. Aren’t grandchildren wonderful? Yours have such strikingly beautiful brown eyes!
Still reading too. I loved your yard redo and as always love your weaving. Please do keep a positive view of the knee surgery, it will help tremendously.
I have been reading your blog for some time and love all of the weaving you do. I wish you luck and prayers on your knee surgery. (there's a good possibility that I have the same fate as you - possibly both knees) I've been told it's worth everything in the end, so as your daughter says, putting positive thoughts and positive results out in the universe, will help make all the difference. I look forward to hearing how this new journey goes. Take Care. Ranee (MN)
I’m with Robin on every point.
I'm a pretty new reader here. My own blog is old, too, and I got a lovely new crop of pandemic readers, looking for something light and cheerful. Yiu might have done likewise.
Yours is one of very few blogs that I read regularly. I am on the email notification list, so I read every new post, even though I only comment occasionally. I love your dogs, and I would love the lentil soup recipe, if possible! And your grandkids are awesome. Good luck with the knee replacement. I'm sure it will be great to walk pain-free again.
Best wishes for the knee surgery - it WILL be better on the other side!
Another lurker who seldom comments but has been reading your blog for years.
I agree with your daughter. It does seem like what you put out into the universe comes back to you...and you most cewrtainly want to remain mobile.
Can hardly wait to see your new-to-you table. :)
I have been reading for years! And you have always been an encouragement and inspiration. Also is there a recipe for that wonderful looking soup. Positive thoughts on that knee surgery. You'll be able to take those great walks again! Three years ago after a few years of dimming vision, I finally worked up the courage to just have the recommended cataract surgery. The best thing I did. After it was finished looked up one night and saw the stars in the sky I hadn't been able to see in a while.
Your blog has helped me through the pandemic. I started following you to learn more about weaving, but your posts are like visiting with a dear friend who shares the big and little things of life. I do so enjoy hearing about your creative ventures.
Bob Dylan is 80 years old today.
I have been reading your blog for years and years.
Just about everyone I know who have had knee replacement surgery ask after surgery - why did I wait so long. The people who didn't didn't do the exercises after surgery.
Your work is beautiful
Best wishes.
Stephanie Change
Another long time follower here. I love your blog, grandkids, dogs, weaving and an occasional recipe. That soup! Oh my!! I hope it will appear in your recipe section. The Vegetable Cheese chowder is a favorite lunch at this house. Fast and easy. Just delicious.
Wishing you a speedy recovery with your surgery.
I've read your blog for years but not sure I've commented. I so admire your determination to carry on given your health issues.
Hilary, like many here, I also always look forward to your posts. As a fellow retired RN, maybe I can relate to the matter-of-fact way you seem to look at the world. I weave also, but so far have never reached your level of expertise, so you give me reason to strive. Your grands are adorable, and I'm a tiny bit jealous that you've been able to see them in person during this pandemic, and your lunches always look great. I also wish you well with your knee replacement. That will be me someday, so I'll be interested to hear your thoughts! - Karen
I'm a regular reader of your blog but am guilty of not regularly commenting. Your blog posts resonate with me as I ponder the wisdom and inspiration you share in each one. You're in my thoughts and prayers that your knee replacement surgery goes well. From friends who've had their knees replaced, they all wished they'd done it sooner. I hope you'll feel the same after you've recovered.
Good for you going forward with the surgery! I will be keeping good and positive thoughts for you...that's how the universe works! Your grands are so, so cute! Messes Shmesses, it's all the fun times that count!!!
Many healing blessings.🥰
I rarely, if ever, comment, but want to encourage you to go through with knee replacement surgery. I have had both replaced and am not sorry. The going was rough in the beginning, but the results have been worth it. Since you have a positive attitude, you will do fine--just be patient!
I love the wall hangings! I am glad you decided to get on with the knee replacement. I think you will move so much better. Think of all the lessons you will learn about having to do nothing but heal and let people help you, LOL but really I hope the discomfort will be short and small compared to all the benefits you will reap with a new knee!
I appreciate your candor with your joys and struggles. I believe you will do well after your surgery. To me you are someone who needs to keep busy. I look forward to seeing what you will do while recovering from surgery. You have a knack for keeping productive.
Wishing you the best,
I enjoyed meeting you many years ago, and enjoy reading your blog. I love seeing all of your creative ideas. Good luck with your knee surgery -
Been with you for a long, long time. Often feel like a kindred spirit...weaver, vegetarian, cutest grandkids in the world, retired from same sort of job.
We are your fans! Wouldn't be a good day if you pulled the plug on your blogging. We have come to reflect on life (in general) and our own (in particular) as we reflect on yours and the comings and going of your weaving life, kiddos, grands and life with chickens. I too love the porch weavings! Your creative juices runneth over and we are lucky you share them with us. Wishing you well with the knee surgery and recovery time. We will be thinking of you.
I also have been reading your blog for years and am inspired by your weavings, your soups, your downsizing, and your perseverance. Thank you for continuing to blog, though I rarely, if ever, comment.
I have read your blog for at least 10 years. My son entered weaving into the fair when he was 11 because he was inspired by a post he saw on your blog. He is now a 21 year old plane mechanic. I have made a variation of your potato leek soup for lots and lots of years. I have to agree with your daughter (sorry!) that this surgery will in the end be a positive thing. Thank you for continuing to write here. I appreciate your honesty and creativity!
I never leave comments, but I think I should share my opinion on joint replacement. I have had 2 hips and 1 knee replaced. First surgery I was 64 years old. I am now (at 71) getting ready for my remaining knee to be replaced. After each of my previous surgeries, I can say that when they stood me on my feet afterwards, there was less pain then than before the surgery. I never filled the pain meds script after coming home, since I didn't want to become dependent. And I gave up the walker after a week or so, only using a cane when out and about, for another couple weeks. I know some folks have issues with recovery from joint replacements, but that has not been my experience. Get 'er done and don't look back.
I have been following you for a long time,it seems, not sure how many years but at least before you fell. You are such an inspiration to me with your weaving, your home, your attitude and the love you have for your family. I will be 70 this year and I am taking time in my life to enjoy all the crafts and my grandchldren, now that Covid vaccines let me.
Keep on blogging please, I really look forward to your wise words.
Sue from Seattle who used to live in South Dakota and who is now living her dream life.
Your daughter is right. Go into this surgery with a positive mindset. It will make all the difference.
You will heal much faster than you think. I hate sitting around, so by the first week I was up and helping with dishes and cooking (hubby took soooo long I thought I would starve to death! lol) The physical therapist said it was good for me to get up and move around, so I did. They had me walking with the walker up and down the driveway within a week.
One last thing? I wish I had had the right knee done sooner. Because I waited too long I became dependent on the left knee and ended up damaging it so it had to be replaced as well. Because my gait was off for so long, the hip had issues too and was replaced. Don't be like me. (I'm sure you already know this, but before I go to the dentist for cleanings, etc. I have to take a prescribed antibiotic.)
Your grandchildren are so cute and the soup looks delicious.
I wait for your blog to arrive into my 'In Box'. I have followed you for many years now and I have taken a lot of learning away from your Blogs; they are the little reminders about life, there are 'aha' moments to ponder, they are inspiring, they motivate me to get working on my weaving and fibre projects. Thank you for continuing to Blog - I truly love reading them :)
Hi, I'm not too good at commenting on blogposts. Weaving is a recent pursuit of mine. Unlike you, my consultant has decided I'm too young for knee surgery. I'm nearly 66! Moving house to a bungalow with no stairs has helped a lot. Keep up with the great blogging and all the best for your surgery and speedy recovery.
I am loving the cloak I bought from you, it's perfect. I wear it around my house all day long (it's cold here in NH). I would love to win a towel. Please keep blogging!
From your blog journaling, you have presented me with hope from your resiliency and perseverance. I wish you speedy recovery from your next surgery.
i've enjoyed your blog for many years. love all your photos, whether its weavings, dogs or kids. you inspire me - be well
I have enjoyed your blog for many years. Unfortunately, I usually don't comment. I have several friends who have had knee replacement surgery and it has made a huge improvement in their lives and the things they can now do without pain. Wishing you the best recovery when you have your surgery. Thank you for the opportunity to enter the giveaway.
I have enjoyed your blog for years. Don't know why I haven't commented...I love a living room filled with grands playing. 4 out of 6 finally were able to visit us this weekend. I love your art. My friend had both her knees replaced and she is so happy now. PT was no fun but she is pain free and can move again. All shall be well.
I'm probably too late for the drawing, but that's okay. The picture of the spinach soup makes me hungry! As for the knee surgery, I'm a retired LPN. Worked on the ortho floor with the hip and knee replacement patients. The majority of people who had their knees done were so pleased with the results, they all said "I wish I had done this sooner."
Long time reader, I should comment more I guess. My BFF just had neck surgery and is thrilled, no more pain or numbed arm! I've also heard from other knee replacement coworkers that their life changed after the surgery, you got this!
Curious when your "wise" words come back at you from your children. It always stops me and I think maybe he is right. But then sanity comes back an I say no way !!!
Curious when your "wise" words come back at you from your children. It always stops me and I think maybe he is right. But then sanity comes back an I say no way !!!
I agree that anything with light, especially light through windows is so appealing. Reminds me of hope.
I just discovered weaving, and your blog! I'm glad you're still writing- I love the conversational longform style of blogs...off to go back thru your posts!
I just discovered weaving, and your blog! I'm glad you're still writing- I love the conversational longform style of blogs...off to go back thru your posts!
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