First off.....the soup recipe is in the tab at the top of the page......enjoy.
FYI it will not be the same if you don't use the red lentils, they cook and break up differently....makes the soup to be honest.
So here it is, my new table and chairs, I think at least one of my daughters thinks that I have lost my mind, but I love it.
I'm ordering a bigger round rug, this one is a bit small, it should be here Friday.
To be honest, this is more me.......I'm not fancy, just never have subscribed to that, it doesn't feel natural to me. This is old, used, it has been loved.
It's home.
Several weeks ago, I started having this pain in the ball of my felt like there was something in my foot. Youngest daughter went at it with a needle, but found nothing.
So I've been limping around on it, and it hurts. A couple of weeks ago, I saw a local podiatrist. The podiatrist I have seen in the past, is over an hour away, so I decided to give this new guy a try.
Big mistake.
He looked at it, didn't touch it........said, nope it's not a foreign body, and it's not a plantar's wart, which is what I thought it "might" be. He put a FOAM cushion under my sole in that exact spot, and sent me on my way.
Nurses are notoriously lousy patients, and I am no exception. I was not happy.
I limped around another week, and made an appointment with my regular guy, and took the drive today.
Thank GOD.
It WAS a foreign body, trying to work it's way out. He performed minor surgery on it right then and there. When I told him what the other doctor said, he just shook his head.
It's sore right now, but at least I'm hopefully on the healing path at last.
And yes, it's the same side as my soon to be replaced knee. Of course it is.
Driving down the highway today, I thought about how fortunate I am, to have all that I have.
Sure, I have things to deal with, but amazing is it to have your own home, your
own car, money to buy food, health care, family, friends.
And that brings me to all your lovely responses. Thank you. Thank you for taking the time to
let me know that you are out there reading this blog, thank you for sharing that I have
somehow touched your lives, made a difference, no matter how slight, inspired you, made you
feel not so alone, allowed. me to be your friend.
You truly made my week with all your kind words.
I used to choose the winner. and the number that came up was number 1!!!!
So the winner is Marsha Melson. Email me your address.....and tell me what color your kitchen is......and I will send your towel right out.
And no, I'm not going anywhere. Just think of all the time I will have this summer, to blog
and read!! It boggles the mind!