Annoyed is the word of the day.........catching a skunk in a Havahart trap does not mean you are not going to get "skunked". For the third time in about three weeks.
I can't even talk about it.
I've been staying busy. Even though it's been hot and humid, the house has been reasonably comfortable, with no AC.
I've been working on my latest quilt, in between weaving and other things.
This one is for my almost 4 year old granddaughter, for her birthday.
Lots and lots of little pieces, Lois says I'm crazy. I'm inclined to agree with her.
One more after this, and I will have completed my mission this year, to make quilts for my 3 daughters and 6 grands.
Ever since I bought this house, and installed a shower upstairs instead of the tub, we have had issues with the drain leaking. Of course, that involves the ceiling right below it, and makes for a mess, each and every time.
The problem is that you stand on the drain, and pull the drain away from the pipe. It's not a huge bathroom, and thus not a huge shower. It's also the only place in this huge house where the floor is definitely not level.
Last year, we put an entire new shower in........and still, last month, it leaked.
So I had this idea, and so far I am very pleased with it.
I just hope it does the trick and keeps the weight of whoever is showering off that damn drain.
It's a teak shower mat. and it fits the space quite well.
We shall see.
My Compudobby is on its way back to me.....hopefully should have it by the end of the week. I'm excited.
I did some rearranging, to get the Compudobby closer to the computer tower. I think this will work. I won't actually be able to see the computer while I am weaving, but I really only need to see it if I want to reverse, and then I can spin around on my stool and do what I need to do.
My view from the loom.......
I like the blue......
But red's ok, too.
Sea Creature II, a baby wrap, is on its way to London, England.
Hand dyed cotton warp. Hand dyed bamboo weft.
Knitting socks is my evening project, when I can stay focused on it.
Sometimes when it's hot, you just have to give in and throw your
I do question the sense of laying right in the SUN though.
I am trying to stay positive, but to be honest, the news is getting me down. It just keeps getting worse and worse and worse. There's no end.
Then today, on the phone, an old friend made a derogatory comment about Jews that totally floored me. I never knew she had such bias. I had to get off the phone. I had a lump in my throat, and I wanted to sit down and just cry.
Why are people so hateful, what the hell is wrong with us?????
I find myself turning inward, to be safe. Staying in my comfort zone, doing what makes me feel good, productive, worthwhile.
I am so disappointed in people, I can't even describe it. I'm sure some of you know exactly what I speak of.
I can see these flowers from my bedroom. Sometimes, when it's quiet, I go up and lay on my bed, and just look down at them.
Sydney's usually purring in my ear.
For a moment, the world doesn't seem so awful.