Not sure if it's getting older, or if it's just me, but every day I have to make that decision: to maintain.
This hurts, that hurts. Headache, plantar fasciitis, a creaking back, a complaining hip.
Yep. I just want to maintain. I have to work, every day, just to do that.
By 6:30 am, all the critters have been fed and medicated, I am usually sitting with my coffee, assessing how soon my head will settle down, and I can get started doing what I want to do.
Some days just simply suck, and it's hard to get started. Other days, I'm off and running.
There is no sense to it, so I just roll with it. I haven't found anything else that works.
So I am looking for an know, a pill to stop you from vomiting.
I want to watch the President's speech, just because I feel the need to know what the danger is. And I want to see all the faces of People of Color, that Democrats will bring as guests. That will be awesome. Elizabeth Warren is bringing an Iraqi refugee.
Go Elizabeth.
I want to know, yet on the other hand, I'm nauseated, and not sure I can get through it.
Today I read that while cutting Medicare and Social Security is not on the budget right now, they don't deny that at some point they will be on the table.
$54 billion to pump up defense................where is it coming from????
Yeah, scary times ahead, folks. I know a lot of people who LIVE on their Social Security checks. They don't have a big retirement from some terrific job.
A cut to Social Security would hurt me, but some people would be in serious trouble.
So on the studio front, I think Lois has made significant progress in her weaving career.
She used to say that she only wanted to weave rugs, she'd leave those "finer" threads up to me.
But lately, she has evolved. I have set her to work on different projects, and I have seen her becoming more comfortable doing things that she would never have even tried before.
She wound the warp, sleyed and threaded the loom, wound the warp on, and then did the weaving.
This is a scarf in hand dyed bamboo with cotton.
This is hand dyed bamboo warp, with silk weft.
They are both beautiful, aren't they??
Now if I can just talk her into doing these damn fringes.
My mission to make quilts for my family this year for their birthdays is under way..
Of course the baby got one, on his REAL birth day.....
and this is for one of my sweet grand girls.
Colors were her choice.
My littlest grand daughter loves her Poppa.
And she LOVES her little fact, she would hold him all day long if she could.
I'm not sure what she is watching on TV in this photo, but surely it is better with a baby on your lap.
So many reasons to maintain.
So many.