A simple cold knocks me flat for 2-3 weeks. Coughing is not indicated for my neck/head issues. The relief I feel when it's over is immense.
Sometimes going south to get warmer doesn't work. Sometimes the cold follows you. It's best to be happy where you are.
Chicken doors are temperamental. Fresh eggs are priceless. Having a friend like L who keeps your girls......all of them, chicks and felines.....safe, priceless as well.
Some sweater patterns found on Ravelry are poorly done, or simply over the top. Tearing out THREE times is contraindicated in a simple life. The whole thing needs to be re-thought. Knit simple, that's my motto.
"Altered books" is a new medium that is incredibly addictive. Just what I need. Who knew retirement could be so much fun?
Oh, I'm sure there is a ton a room for improvement, but the thing with this altered book endeavor is that there are no mistakes. You either like it, or you don't.
"Pulling into the Kroger's parking lot. Starts to swing into space clearly marked for PREGNANT women. I tell her: it's ok, you could probably get away with it. She calls me a bitch. We laugh hysterically." We are that comfortable with each other. Priceless.
Roy is the best traveling dog on the planet.
And wherever you land, he's happy.
That's the best way to be.

Fun post. Love the fox. Kane was a wonderful and always content passenger. I used to think...he has no idea where we are going and he doesn't care. :) Always made me laugh. Enjoy that wonderful dog. hugs xo
Well, so happy to be caught up! Glad the cold is past and your book is lovely! So you and that's really the point. I'm with Roy here, long car rides are for napping in the back seat always.
You two BFF's have a grand time. I laughed right along with you and blessings on L for keeping the home fires safe and sane.
I love this post! For so many reason! Your comment to your friend.. hysterical! I had that damned cold for 2-3 weeks too.. and my neck and back are still complaining! (arthritis)
*sigh. Enjoy your travels -
Wow!! You two cast a very long shadow. . .
i love the idea of altered books .. and collaging .. but while i have accumulated a ton of 'stuff' to use i cant seem to make that first paste/cut/line ... i was that way about painting too ... one of these days ... meanwhile i love what you did
Love this post. Roy is the sweetest.
Altered books- hmmm something I know very little about- but looks like a cool project to do! I had such a genuine sense of you having fun and being in the moment- leaves me filled with warmth and smiling ear to ear!
Haha, I'm going out to find my skinny shadow! Hope you are having a fun get-away with your partner(s) in crime. Hope you shake your cold, I had bronchitis from sheetrocking and got myself better by spending 4 days outdoors snowmobiling, No not around here. We need snow, then spring. Take Care, Marilou
I've been MIA Hilary and I apologize. Great to catch up with you and wishing for good health to a fellow blog friend, XOXO
LOL Yes, I agree with your "facts". I am a simple knitter, K1, P1. Sometimes, I do K3, P3. LOL LOL LOL As for the yuckies, I have been fighting a head and chest cold for 3 weeks. I am so tired of coughing up a lung every morning. LOL Have a good day.
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