I think the consensus is that I should leave her alone, and let her just BE. And I think that is exactly what I should do.
She doesn't appear to be unhappy.
She talks to me, and eats her popcorn and other treats that I make sure to give her. She sits in the sunny window.
Who am I to say that she's doing it wrong?
I had a quiet weekend at the studio, threading the AVL, getting it ready for towels.
It was cold outside, so I kept the fireplace going.
I thought the cats would enjoy the new "bench pad" but they decided that laying "under" the bench was better.
Who am I to say that they aren't doing it right?
This is the moment that a weaver waits for, from picking out the thread and the colors, winding the spools for the warp, putting all the yardage on the sectional, threading all 480 heddles, and then putting all that thread through the reed, being ever so careful not to make any mistakes............
then finally, you throw the shuttle.
And suddenly, it's ALL WORTH IT.
I think I'm doing it right.
I must be, because it feels so good.

That's a beautiful bench pad, Hilary. Funny that they go under the bench. Lots of cats seem to be enjoying fire-places lately. The cold winds...she's a blowin'.
The first few throws of the shuttle and the pattern starting to appear, does make all the work worthwhile!
I absolutely love what you weave and wish I was near to you so I could learn. The bench is really great as is the mat you made for the top! I think the closest I have come to your area was in the plane yesterday flying into Newark from England...the Hudson River was below and it was almost cloudless. Hope to check out your items for Christmas gifts.
Of course the cats prefer to be UNDER the bench !
I know what you mean about " And suddenly . it's ALL WORTH IT. "
I love the colorful bench pad and your current weaving project is amazing.
Wonderful post! And yes, those first few inches are fun :-).
Gorgeous! The cats are doing it right, the bench serves as a roof that traps the heat.
I love your bench and the new pad! Your new project is looking great! Happy weaving!
I knew that threading a loom can be time consuming, but I don't remember ever hearing an actual number mentioned of things to thread. 480 ... wow. It makes a fantastic pattern.
Cats play by cat rules. As humans, we are not privy to them.
cats …you can't put a cat you know … so of course if you make something wonderful for them to rest on they'll opt for not using it … its why they're cats
Pretty weave. I'd be feeling good about it, too. I love that little happy thing that happens when suddenly you know it's really quite nice
Yes! it's all about that first pattern repeat. And wow, it's LOVELY.
I'd like to know what the draft is called? It's a beautiful pattern and our County Fair is having it's diamond jubilee so I want to weave something with diamonds and I really like this pattern.
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