I am guilty of using it shamelessly, to keep the blogs I read at my fingertips. But soon it will be history.
So last night, I started going through my list. Of course, some of the blogs on my list have gone IDLE for a couple of years, and I deleted those. But I am working at putting my faves on my sidebar, which is actually better anyway, because it is even more convenient.
Thanks to my cyber twin, HILARY, over at The Smitten Image for the POTW. That's very sweet, and I am pleased to be mentioned.
For those of you who questioned where the shawl pattern came from, it's here:
Jane Austen Knits, Fall 2012. You can probably also find it at janeaustenknits.com
I go on reading binges. Though I love to knit, and I have been busy knitting for my new grandbaby arriving in September, occasionally I get to the library. When I do, I binge.
Here is what I have been reading.
The Orchardist.....I highly recommend this one. I felt transported to this place and time, and nothing is more appealing when I get immersed in a story.
Last Child in the Woods........I think every parent should have to be made aware of the major points in this book. I liked it, although it is a tad dry. But sometimes, dry is good.
And the Mountains Echoed...........I love Khaled Hosseini......he is an incredible writer, who tells sensitive stories that pull you in. I couldn't put this one down, almost stayed up all night. And whenever I read his books, I am grateful to live where I do, and not halfway around the world.
I have been weaving rugs on the Cranbrook, not as fast and furious as I would have PRE BRAIN SURGERY, but weaving them just the same.
I think I'm doing ok.
What do you think??
These are 42" x 72", hemmed edges.
I am doing more every day, but I am also remembering what I've learned from the past year and a half.
Eight years ago, when I bought the run down house that has now been transformed into my weaving studio, all I wanted was to make enough money to maintain the house, keep the bills paid there, and have a place to weave and create. A haven. A place to play with fabric and thread. Uninterrupted quiet and serenity.
I kind of forgot that when the money started coming in faster than I expected.
Today, the money doesn't move me.
This does.
Live and learn.