Be prepared to keep on learning life's little lessons.
So ..... first lesson for today:
Do NOT leave a bran muffin, even in a ZIP LOCK bag, on the counter in a house with FOUR cats.
Someone is going to have NO problem with the litter box soon. Just sayin.
Lesson #2 for today:
Do not suppose that the cat will RESPECT your hard work. Ever.
As I was batching my sizable Handwoven collection into years, using the stairs to put them in order, Jinksie sat quietly watching me. I figured that as long as I was there, and didn't walk away, she would not DARE to gallop down over them.
Real wrong.
Lesson #3 for today:
When someone orders something out of the box, something new, something that you have not thought to make before........beware. They may have just come up with a NEW product, and something else to keep stocked on the shelves.
Introducing: Bench Pads.
Although I must admit, I kind of like it.
Lesson #4 for today:
All those things you used to think were desperately important............they weren't.
Only THIS VERY MOMENT matters at all.
( A Weaver's Book of 8 Shaft Patterns, Carol Strickler. #149. Page 34)

There is so much poopin' going on in our litter boxes that I can't imagine what a bran muffin would do. Good luck. You are one amazing weaver. Hugs
Live and learn, right? Oh, I do love those last pieces, Hilary.
Yes, those last pieces! Amazing work.
You are Wisey Wiserson. xoxo
Oh are sooooo right!!
that weaving pattern is amazing !!
and tell me about that stair runner
did you weave it & what is the fiber.
you are very brave !!!
Good lessons.. beautiful work.. and my cats are little beasties that way too. Thinks like muffins or bread has to be well hidden. Cupboards need childproof locks.
Oh such wise lessons! My dog, who thinks she is a cat, does counter surf when I am not home, and IF I am home and open a can of tuna, she dances and whines and dances....and of course gets some in her dish.
Love your weaving, as always. I also made a bench pad with left over warp and loopers. Bright, cheerful and I enjoy using it.
Bread ON TOP OF THE FRIDGE is not safe either. Ugh. Thanks so much for posting your pattern source! Those towels are gorgeous and I was meaning to ask you where you found the pattern. :)
and here i thought only Harry was a food thief ... we must keep anything that doesn't need refrigeration in our version of a bread box (the oven) or it gets eaten and Harry has the most easel upset tummy in the universe .. gah .. the stench
I was wondering if you might be able to assist me. I recently inherited a loom from a 96 year old man that passed in December. Unfortunately, once we got the loom home, it became very clear that the loom was going to be very difficult to put together again. This man actually made this loom from scratch and created his own system of weights to keep make sure the weave is properly weighted. It is a dobby mechanism of sorts. Sadly, I have no idea how to put it back together again, so I am considering simply buying a dobby and hopefully figuring out how to attach it to the loom. If I were to upload pictures, do you think this might be possible? Is this even a sound idea? I appreciate your thoughts.
Colleen Mallory
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