I was going to put their individual pictures up here, but to be honest, I am too tired.
So if you want to see them up close and personal, you can click HERE.
These are the beach bag/small child/Sydney the cat size.
Oh, all right, I will show you my favorite. Just this one. I don't know why I like it, but I do. I didn't think I would. The strap is CRAZY orange.
I have 12 small bags to sew up. They are waiting patiently for me.
Whose idea was this apprentice thing anyway?????
It was a good idea. The next best thing to cloning myself.
Watching the Yankees playing the Red Sox in Tampa, wishing I was sitting there. The weather looks marvelous.
I was just reading Jayme's blog about enjoying the simple things, 'the powerful religion of ordinary life', and suddenly I was 21 again. Remembering the advice of an old high school teacher, who at the time was in the Peace Corps in the Philippines. She wrote me a letter, and in it, she advised me to do just that.
Hang my baby's diapers out on the line, and quit whining.
Thanks Jayme, for reminding me.
It is a good thing to remember.
Ordinary life is so much more than ordinary.
Let me introduce my very own little "fighter", who laughed when I told her to make a fist, so I could take a picture.
She really isn't a fighter.......she fell at school, and landed right on her nose. But she is a little trooper, and said, "I didn't even cry."
Once again, it brings back a memory. I think I was 13 or 14, and I was walking home from the Saturday afternoon matinee at the local theater. There were some younger kids in front of me, and this 11 year old kid across the street kept throwing snowballs at them, making them cry. I yelled at him, and told him to stop, or else. Apparently he didn't like that, and in a flash he ran across the street, and punched me right in the eye.
My mother still has the picture somewhere, of me sitting on the couch with a huge shiner.
I didn't cry either.
There are lots better reasons to cry, don't you think?

More reasons to stand up and fight for the underdog than to cry!!! Nice job Hilary!!!
I love the orange-strapped tote bag too!!!!
Well, I think you are both brave!!! And you have more energy than I do that's for sure!!! I love the bags but I get tired just thinking about all you do! xo
In that top photo, my eye immediately went to the orange-strapped one and said "that's her favorite". :) They are all lovely but that one is jumping off the screen. :)
They all look great and the orange straps do indeed look great. I quite like the one with black straps though.
That little sweetie face with the shiner.. It makes me want to give her a hug.
The bags look great. What a shiner on your daughter - poor thing...at least she is smiling for the camera and ready to "fight" again!
Her cute little shiner reminds how I once got kicked in the face by my show steer... I had TWO shiners that lasted for WEEKS. Funny how I, at about 16 years old, didn't really even care!! ?? !!
I love the turquoise strap one - kudos to your little fighter, she looks adorabe even with.
I loved the orange one but I thought your fav was going to be the turquoise one....
What a shiner - glad you got the pic for posterity! The bags are a colorful carnival of color there in your studio. Ordinary and simple is a blessing.
That shiner is as colorful as your bags! Poor kid.....
I've been busy the past couple of days just taking care of life's business so sorry I have been missing your posts. Much blog reading to catch up on. It's raining today so will get a few tasks done that I have promised to others.
Take care! Really enjoy your bags by the way.
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