He's on my list though, and that's a fact.
I spent the entire morning putting the "lost rugs" on my web site. THIRTY FOUR RUGS.
Can you believe it?
I waver between being disturbed that I made such a mistake, and happy that I have all this NEW STOCK.
Just a couple of rugs I missed.
I have been anguishing over a decision I made a while back. I decided to attend a wholesale show coming up next week.
I also have a stack of craft show applications sitting here on my coffee table, awaiting my attention.
The problem is that I try to talk myself into doing shows, when the truth of the matter is.......I HATE SHOWS.
I feel kind of stupid here, because I have this internal dialogue going on. Do you ever do that? Try to brow beat yourself into something that you THINK you should do.
I just don't want to. I think it is a major waste of time. Will I sell stuff? Yeah, probably. But will I sell enough to justify my spending 2 days sitting at a show and at least 1 day getting ready and tearing down.
I doubt it.
And I know that in three days time, I can be a lot more productive staying right at the studio, doing what I love to do. And more importantly, I don't want to market myself, and my passion. I believe in my heart that it will sell itself. I don't think I need to market it. Maybe that sounds crazy, but it's my gut reaction.
I do have ONE show in September, an easy peasy fun show, a fiber show, that I will do. And cross my heart and hope to die, I will not do any more.
I have been thinking about stories, since the one I told you about Fast Eddie. I realized that a lot of my comical stories are due to my father. He was such a character.
I used to think that it was the bane of my existence that someone was always bound to say to me, "Aren't you Morty Cooper's daughter?"
But I have come to realize, in my advancing years, that I think of myself............still............as Morty Cooper's daughter.
Ha!!! He would have a laugh to hear that.
Sometimes, I see him in my own children, if only a glimpse.