It's only another start if you consider that your birthday ends one year, and starts another.
I have now reached the ripe old age of 78. Believe me, it makes one pensive, thinking about the long life you have lived.
It doesn't seem that long now, but looking back it's been quite a trip.
I wish now that I had journaled from the day I could write. Wouldn't that be an awesome thing to go back and read what you wrote about your life and your feelings, from your earliest days on this planet.
I love that I have blogged all these years, since 2007.
If my daughters ask about a particular event, or question when something occurred, I say, "Let me look back in my blog, and I'll tell you."
I think I have mentioned before that my mother had a diary from the 1980's, til her death in 2013. Unfortunately, her entries were shallow at best; what she ate, where she went, who she talked to, what time she went to bed.
Only once did I read that she was "mad as hell".....otherwise, from all her journaling efforts, you would never know how she really felt about anything, nor would you know what her opinion was.
That has always made me sad. I think that she really had so much more to say.
On the other hand, I have been very vocal and sometimes bluntly open and honest here, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I do try not to rage, but you probably all know where I stand on most things.
I have also dug deep,
Sometimes, revelations have come to me, because I have blogged and dug deep and ripped apart some of my preconceived notions.
It's all been good.
In the studio.........
In between weaving towels, I always go back to making clothing.
One size pieces, that most anyone can wear.
These next three pieces are jaggerspun lace weight wool warp, with hand dyed banana pearl
I have made a few "fitted" pieces over the years, and found that they are so
much more difficult to market, because you have to consider sizing.
So most of my stuff will pretty much fit anyone.
I do occasionally make some plus sized möbius shawls, and there is always a
market for them. I am not interested in making several different sizes of the same
This is a Naya cloak. I haven't made any of these in a while.
The rest of the photos today are all of "this old house".
I have fashioned a life alone here in the last few years....will be three years in June.
It's not the life I planned, and it's a lot different from the life I left behind.
But it is MY life, and I feel so responsible for making it as good as I can make it.
From my Al-Anon days, I know that I can only do TODAY......and to be clear, if I try to extend my brain and my heart beyond today, I usually get in trouble.
So every morning, I tentatively plan this day. The one I have.
Some mornings, like the ones in these photos, the sun pours into my house, and I can't imagine a morning without it.
When I find myself "whinging" about this or that PAIN, or this or that inconvenience,
I try to remember all the people in the world, who do NOT get up to this paradise on earth.
They wake up to horrors that I can not even wrap my head around.
So .....who the hell am I to complain about my lot??????
I have said it many times, and it bears repeating.........Gratitude is the attitude. It always is.
Stocking up for next November's guild show is my long term every day, I add
to it. Towels on both these looms, but warps all ready to go on for clothing.
I heard somewhere that the best way to live your life is to do what you do every day, and
do the best that you can do.
So that's what I'm doing.
I do need to do some serious cleaning. I would love to hire someone, but I am trying
to pay my car off this year, so I am pretty much putting a stop on my spening.
I am also trying to manage my thinking about the climate in this country. It's not that I
don't think about it. I do.
But I give it so much time in my day, and like spending, I say when it's time to stop the
wheels from turning.
After all, this is MY life.......and my sanity, my serenity, and I am bound to protect it.
Here are the crows that come every day. 25 is my last count.
And speaking of this old house, and of blogging, and how they come together in the
sweetest of ways.
Years ago, another blogger and I connected.
We have never met in person.
But we have talked none the less.
She also lives in an old house, and she is a talented artist.
Totally out of the blue, she sent me this.
A true gift from her heart to mine.
Old houses: incredible.
Blogging: rewarding
Making dear friends: Priceless.