I recently realized that maybe I had been weaving a bit too much.
Both my shoulders were on fire, and it made it very hard to sleep.
So after talking to my usual Physical Therapist, and another friend/Physical Therapist
who I recently taught to weave, I formulated a plan.
1. take a break from weaving for a bit
2. On restarting weaving, have a schedule that
is more balanced and less "production weaver" mode.
3. Take Aleve twice a day for at least a week, to
dumb down the inflammation.
So far, it is working. My shoulders already feel better after just 4 days.
Last summer, when I bought a second hand Baby wolf loom, I was given
a bunch of stuff from a weaver who had gone to a nursing home.
Among all that stuff was a stack of quilting squares, plus all the material
necessary to finish it and put it together.
So because I couldn't weave, I have been doing this for the last 3 days.
Unfortunately, I do NOT like it.
I'm not a pastel girl, after all.
So I am selling this quilt top for $100, and someone else can put the batting
and the backing on it.
Before I took the break from weaving, I was busy on the Megado, making
Möbius shawls.
Just throwing in my new tea kettle here.
A couple of months ago, I had a basic weaving class here, and one of the
students was a lovely young woman who lived close by. Let's call her
She was a super quick learner, and I was pretty sure she would be a weaver someday.
After the class, she messaged me that she would love to come help me in the studio, just
for the chance to learn. So for the last month, she has been coming one day
a week. She has been learning, and helping.
It's been great for both of us.
Here she is, modeling a Naya cloak, that I helped her make from a piece
she had been weaving.
It really turne out great, and I am very pleased to have her here. She's
going to be very good at this!
The last two nights have been brutal, Zero and below. So on Saturday morning,
when I happened to see Goldie on the porch, I slipped out, and grabbed him.
He has been prisoner in the studio for two days and two nights.
Willie and Naya were at the door whining to come in.
Then when I left Goldie and went into the living room with the dogs, Goldie started crying.
It was interesting to be caught between the two of them. When I was with one, I felt like
I was cheating on the other. Good grief.
He went back outside today, even though it's still very cold, but I knew that's what he
wanted. He went right into his solar house with the heated pad. I can only hope he's ok.
I went out there several times this afternoon, called to him, hoping he would come. But nope.
I guess when it comes down to it, even though he LOVES the attention he gets when he is
inside, he loves his life outside even more.
Today when I was on my way to pick up my friend and take her to PT, my car decided
to give me grief.
I called the Subaru garage, and they told me not to drive it, so $163 later, the Subaru
Assistance truck picked it up and took it to the dealer.
I have heard nothing all day. But that's not surprising. They had a day full
of appointments, and they were going to try to slip my car in at some point.
My car is only 3 years old, and only has 33, 000 miles on it. After much thought I think I know what is wrong with it.
The other day when I took Willie to the vet, I think he stepped on the console between the
front seats, and stepped on the button for the emergency brake. I haven't been anywhere since.
The the car sat there in below zero weather.
I think the emergency brake froze, and when I tried to drive it, all the lights
on the dash started lighting up.
So here is am, two days before Christmas, no car.
But you know what?
I'm still blessed in too many ways to count, so I will just forgo the whining, and
thank my higher power for getting me to where I am today.
Happy holidays all!!!!!!