Once again, I have been slack about blogging. I was waiting to have good news to tell you.
My ablation for atrial fib was on April 26th....and for a week, I felt AMAZING. I felt like ME, after not feeling myself for several months. It was such a relief. I wanted to do a TON of things.
I had to restrain myself, and try to commit to easing into all those things that I haven't
been able to do.
Then last Thursday I went to a book sale with a friend, mid morning. I came back, and suddenly felt really tired. I kicked back on the sofa, and at 11am in the morning, fell fast asleep. I woke up an hour and a half later, and I knew that I was in Atrial fib......yes, again.
Now, 5 days later, I am still in A fib. My follow up appointment with my cardiologist is
on Friday morning, and I am hoping he has a plan to get me back into a normal heartbeat,
because to be honest, I am tired, short of breath, and a little miserable.

Not happening.
I will get through this. I will have another ablation. This will get fixed, one way or the other.
And until then, I will do whatever I can do. I will keep weaving, and planning and designing, and trying to live my life the best I can.
Getting old can be tough, that's for sure. Giving up isn't really an alternative.