So what am I doing over here??
Well, for some reason, I am unable to upload photos to my Word Press site, a very disturbing development, since I have paid dearly for that web site.
So, here I am.....for today at least.....and hope that you find me.
The good news is that my newest grandson has arrived.
He came into the world quickly, like he couldn't wait. As you can see he has a welcoming committee. His brother and sister have been waiting, and not patiently either.
For several days, this big sister wanted nothing but HIM.......she has calmed down finally. But imagine how exciting it was for her!!
Look at that smile!
My couch finally came back, and it is definitely BRIGHT. It's not exactly what I expected, the swatch did not show all those flowers. But it's ok, I think I like it anyway.
My daughters comments:
"Mom, it looks like it could have been on Mad Men."
"Mom, it's you."
Ok, then.
Lois and I started walking on the quite not finished "bike trail" that is supposed to be going from just north of NYC, all the way to Montreal. At least there aren't as many ticks, since all the foliage on the shoulders has been leveled.
I am still sewing for "dress a girl around the world", and I decided to whip up my own bias tape.
You can only buy solid colors in the store, and I was wanting something a little more zippy.
My cilantro is growing in the window.
It makes me feel sane.
Because the world outside is making me feel a little crazy.
I have never seen this kind of pandemonium in my lifetime, and I am sure most of us haven't.
I went to the grocery store today, and the reality of it hit me. No bananas. No tuna. No mayonnaise. No toilet paper. No paper towels. Very little bread.
Soup aisle decimated.
I didn't look, but was told there was NO MEAT.
Not that I cared, but all the boxed mac and cheese was gone.
People were shopping, but making a concerted effort to keep their distances.
All the while, they were filling their was very obviously not a regular shopping trip.
I don't mind staying home. I'm very good at it. I amuse myself quite well, and always have since I was a kid. Maybe it was something that went along with being an only child.
I have weaving, sewing, and a ton of other projects to keep me busy. I'll be ok.
But seeing all this happening, I, for one, feel the need for some introspection, and I imagine that many of you do.
It seems to me that while we have progressed in so many ways, we have still lost our way.
Honestly, I am without words.
This, still, makes sense.
Stay in the day.
More true now than ever.