I love autumn, and I love to bake. It seems the perfect time to start making soups, and that rhubarb
I froze this summer was calling to me.
It makes the best crisp.
And bread is a snap, when you've got the pellet stove fired up, nothing makes it rise so well.
This is by my driveway.
One of my favorite maples. I just love the gold/yellow/oranges. In fact, it's one of the warps I love the best.
There's this weaving draft that I have lusted over for some time. But I don't have a computerized loom, so I thought it was out of reach for me.
Then I decided to try it anyway. It took two hours to peg 110 dobby bars, and they drag on the floor.
I wasn't at all sure it was even going to work.
I was thrilled to find out that it DOES work.
Is it feathers? Or trees?
So I decided that pegging dobby bars is not that much fun, and since I really don't want to buy another loom, I ordered the Compudobby from AVL for my loom. It won't be here until Christmas, or after, but wow, it's exciting still!!!!
I am blessed with my family, and it's a special joy when my youngest grand comes to visit.
Here she is giving me the look. She had instructed me to STOP taking her picture.
But a little later, she forgave me.
Life is good. I'll try to be back sooner. I'm amazed that anyone is still out there reading.