
Monday, May 20, 2013


Can I just say, "OUCH"?
I think I just did the impossible.  I was sewing a dress for my granddaughter, and somehow, I sewed right through my finger.  I am not sure if the needle broke when it sewed into my fingernail, or if it broke when I pulled my finger back.
But I was quick to yell to DH, "Get the pliers."   He answered, "I'm on the phone."
And I replied, "I don't care, get the blankety blank pliers."

When he finally found them, and saw the needle sticking straight up out of my nail, he hestitated.
I thought, oh great, I'm gonna have to go to the ER.
Then he rallied, and yanked it out.  And I immediately soaked it in peroxide.
But damn, that hurts.
And I didn't think to get a photo.  Honest, it never crossed my mind.  You might not have enjoyed it anyway.

I have not had a good time with sewing machines today.

 You may remember I bought this sewing machine a couple of years ago.....about a month after I cracked my head on a rock.   Ultimately, I didn't spend much time with it.
Today, I tried to get it up and running, and the top thread broke about 100 times.
I finally quit, and said enough.

 I didn't think my little Bernina would give me any grief when I got home.

The beach in Maine is always a favorite of mine.

And Roy's.
See him smile?

One place we like to go is on the rustic side.
Paper towels hanging over the tables, condiments in a bucket.
Fisherman's Catch.   Wells Beach, Me
Definitely not fancy.

We go for the food, which is excellent, and required a Corona.Just sayin.

 This was hands down the BEST clam chowder I have had anywhere.

And I LOVE my clam chowda.

These were the fish (haddock) tacos at Fisherman's Catch, and I could have them once a week.
They were that good.

When Roy wasn't walking on the beach, or sniffing out the nature trail, he liked this position.
It's one of his favorites.
I wish I had a Corona right now, this finger is thumping.


  1. I miss going to Maine. When DS was in Maine for college and then for years after, we went at least once a year. Seldom to the beach since he lived in Western ME, but nonetheless, we loved Maine. Now he lives in VT with his brother. Not too shabby there, either.....I LOVE New England!

  2. Oh my goodness, what are you going to do next to yourself? You need a body guard. Well, actually, you do have Roy but perhaps you need to just start living in the moment. You are probably much like myself, doing one thing..thinking about the next thing.Your poor hubby, others might have fainted. I'll bet that hurts like blazes. Hope it heals up soon. Sending a hug, Deb

  3. OUCH! That sounds so painful and horrible to see. I'm glad you didn't get a picture. lol

    Your day at the beach and eating out sure looks fun. That place looks like a lot of fun and yummy too!

    I hope your finger is ok and feels better quickly.

  4. Haddock, oh yes, I remember - such yum!!

    I'm glad you didn't post a picture, I would not need to see that. Reading it was hard enough! I hope it heals up just fine. You might want to get a tetanus shot if you haven't recently.

  5. I agree with the cat not necessary! The description made me cringe. Okay Hilary, now, just stop hurting yourself!!!

  6. I did the exact same thing when I was a teenager. I made most of my clothes, and while I was in a hurry to finish a garment, the needle went right through my finger and broke (like you, not sure if it was because it hit the bone or because I pulled it out) and my dad used the pliers to pull the needle out. There isn't a day that I don't think about it when I sit down at the sewing machine now, and I'm very careful to not repeat it. I've heard of it happening to other people too. ~Doreen

  7. You and your damn food. You know you are making me hungry, don't you?? LOL

    Wow, sorry about that needle thing, but I guess if you need to get poked that a finger is better than an eye. I know, that was just stupid of me to say.

  8. I sewed over my index finger once, about 40 years ago. I was new to the city and it forced me to find a GP who could give me a tetanus shot. I don't think I've ever had anything that ached so long as the darned still has a scar.

    I out lived the GP.

  9. Oh, I've done that one before, but only caught the tip. I know I felt pretty stupid to let my finger get that close and break a perfectly good needle! The beach looks so inviting right now with rain coming down here in the Pacific Northwest; hope you're up on your Tetanus shot, XOXO

  10. Oh, Sweetheart, you poor thing. Needle in the finger is not a good thing. (Now you've made me hungry for fish tacos.)

  11. Hahaha, thank you so much for not posting a photo of your majormondo booboo. I am sending you thoughts of a Corona!

  12. oooh, go get one.. witha lime~

    and... Ouch, man. Really. I mighta passed right out.

  13. Oh that hurts!!! And your poor husband..."I'm on the phone." omg. Sorry I laughed. Have to agree with Deb that you need a body guard! Or help with all that I'm hungry!

  14. I remember when my mom let me use her sewing machine when I was about 10 years old she told me that her mother had sewed over her own fingernail. Never forgot that and still think about it when I sew slipcovers. I am 56. It could still happen.

  15. I am one who would sew their own finger. Don't feel bad.

    The beach is dreamy. Fur babies are always a favorite, Roy is handsome and full of personality.

    I want to go eat at this restaurant! For sure. My two daughter's and granddaughter, live in Maine. All three of these family members were born and raised in Florida. Go figure.

    Hope your finger is ok.

  16. You apparently need adult supervision! Good grief woman....
    Hope it gets well soon (and don't forget your tetanus shot.)

    My daughter lives in Saco Maine and after spending most of her life on the west coast of Canada, she says she feels at home there. (oh, there was 5 years in NC so maybe that had something to do with it!)

    Can I have your lobster? Its $20 a pound by the time it gets here....

    :) Susan

  17. OUCH! There I said it again for you. I have had that happen and it is not fun! The food sure looks good. Hope your finger feels better.

  18. We're exactly on opposite sides of the country.


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