
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hello again.

Sorry for my absence.  Sometimes the days just fly right by, and I lose track of them.

 And I got away for a couple of days, went on a little jaunt.
The weather was beautiful.

I like this next photo, which I took of a shop window.  Everything reflected from across the street, and it just looked cool to me.

We went to a landmark in Wiscasset, Maine. 

 In the summer, the line is way down the street.  This time of year it wasn't so bad.

I've always wanted to try the lobster roll, but tell this a bit over the top???  You can get it with mayo or butter on the side.
I tried it, but I have to admit, I'm just not a lobsta girl.

It might surprise you to know that I strike up conversations with perfect strangers???

There were these guys, and they had TWO cats on is one, check out his polydactyl toes.......the other cat was black, and was being carried at this point, cause he was afraid of Roy.
Truth is, Roy was petrified.
Two cats on leashes?

I love to explore back roads in new places.
It's amazing what you find.
 As we came up over this hill, we got a glimpse of this beauty.

When it came into full view, it did not disappoint.
I would love to go inside and check it out.  I think I could live here.
 There is nothing like barns attached to the house.  It's one of the many things I love about Maine.

There are so many more.


  1. Sounds and looks like you had a fine time. I'm drooling over that lobster! And kitty is so cute. My neighbour had a gorgeous polydactyl cat. They named him Fonzie. Ayyyyy.

  2. I'll take whatever lobsta you don't want!! Geez that looks so good!

  3. Wowie! LOVE that house!!!! I'll take a bite of that lobsta roll too, please! :-)

  4. Glad you got away and had a rest. How I would love to see Maine! It is on my bucket list.

  5. The house is beautiful and reminded me of one I envied when we lived in Massachusetts. My vet tries to encourage putting cats on leashes, but honestly, mine never thought it was a good idea--cats have a mind of their own. I do own a "cat carriage" that I will take Rosie for walks, but that's as weird as I get. XOXO

  6. Okay, I want to be your best friend and go on these trips with you! I LOVE lobster - Maine Lobster! My parents and both brothers were born and raised in Maine....then they moved to NY and I came along. Surprise! I LOVE Maine. It's in my blood. But I live in VA and it's a long trip. I miss NY also.....

    LOVE that house and barn. Was it for sale???

    I've tried putting my cat on a leash - he hates it. Won't move. I've seen other cats on leashes though. Poor Roy Boy for being scared. Silly boy.

    I have to say, you're sounding....normal....if ya get what I mean. It's GREAT! :-)


  7. I would eat that lobster in a heartbeat! Makes me hungry just thinking about it and it is not even lunch time! Sounds like a lovely trip, Hilary! Hope you are feeling well!

  8. I loved seeing the picture of "Red's Eats" after seeing one just like it in the current "Country Living" magazine. Check it out.

  9. Oh my goodness, that shop window photo is a beaut. I'm going to get back to Maine if it kills me. Someday soon. I'm not a lobster lover either but it did look rather good. Guys walking cats on a leash..somethin' you would never see in this town. Glad you and probably hubby got away for a few days. Nothing better when you need it. Take care, Hilary.

  10. The lobster at Red's looks way over the top, Hilary. Although I've never had it I have seen the long lines in the summer and have heard tell that it's not worth the wait. I make my own lobstah rolls while I'm in Maine, and have a great recipe. Wiscasset is a very cool town. Some day I'd like to stop there. So glad you got away!!

  11. I just love that house!!.. wow, what a unique residence. Ooh, those windows!...

    Cats on a leash? It just isn't supposed to BE...


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