
Wednesday, May 22, 2013


This morning I walked Roy early, to beat the humidity.  On the way home, I saw some people in their garage apparently preparing for a garage sale.
I stopped to ask them when the sale was going to start, and I saw this right inside the door.

 It is a sewing/craft table, a higher end kind than they sell in Joann's Fabric Stores.
It has a drawer, and a bottom shelf, and even an ironing board that you can attach to the side of it, or to the wall.

 And it is HUGE,  giving me plenty of space to cut rolls of fabric.
For $25.  Originally priced at $250.
Heart be still.   I ran home, and went right back with the money.  It fit in the back of my car, and off to the studio I went.
I love a find like this.

I am alone at the studio all week.  L took a vacay.  I bet she misses us.

So I had my lunch with Next on the porch, he liked the company.

My new fave salad dressing.

And a lot of romaine, to make me think I am having a BIG lunch.
It doesn't really work, by the way.

But I got a lot done today, shipped out some orders, worked on a couple of projects.
Played with monkeys.

Then I went home and made some mushroom soup.
 The good news is that I feel better every day, more like my old self.  Or maybe my 'new' self.
Either way, it's all good.


  1. What a fantastic find!
    You sound great. Different than you have since the fall. Wonderfully different.

  2. We have been eating lots of salads right now, but can't wait for the garden to mature so we can eat our own home grown veggies. Seeing those eggs in your salad makes me wonder why I don't add them to our salads more often. Need to start doing that.

    Great find on the table. I know it will see good use in your hands. :)

  3. What a great find!
    Glad you are feeling better every day!
    How's is Next doing? Hopefully O.K. with out his side kick.

  4. Oh my gosh - the bargain of the month - maybe the year!

    So glad you're feeling better

  5. That was a great find!
    Love the monkeys. The salad looks really yummy.
    I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better by the day. It is about damned time!!!

  6. What a great find. It made me smile when you said you were playing with the monkeys. :)

  7. Wow, that table is a great find! I am envious, but I also wanted to tell you how good this whole post made me feel, knowing you are getting better every single day. Although I don't always comment, I always read. :-)

  8. Oh wow! what a find you had there! lucky you!
    Good to hear you are feeling better bit by bit!

  9. You do sound great - is it not wonderful to feel normal?

  10. Oh, and if you get tired of that table, let me know. Will make the trip to bring it home.

  11. The monkey are hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.


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