
Monday, December 17, 2012

Giveaway results,

I am having issues with my Mac, or my wireless connection.  Not sure which.
But some nights I can't get anything to work on Blogger.
So I am on DH's computer for now, cause I have a WINNER.

The winner of the Giveaway, which is your choice of a sock monkey or a Socketbook, is
Not her real name, I'm sure.
So email me your name and address, and your choice, and I will get it right out to you.

Sorry, no post due to computer difficulties, and tomorrow is "silent", so see ya Wednesday.
Stay warm.


  1. Congrats to the winner ! Hope you get your computer to work again. Yes all silent for tomorrow !

  2. Congratulations to MISS MOOSEHEAD USA! You are going to love one of Hilary's creations! I know I love the prize I won!!!!

  3. Congrats to the lady with the antlers!

  4. A wonderful and welcomed surprise! Thanks so much! I'm looking forward to a socketbook! :-) I've sent along my mailing address...

  5. Whoot whoot! Congratulations Miss Moosehead!


I love that you have taken time out to stop by and say hello. Come back again!
I reply to everyone I can by hitting reply to the comment feed in my email.
Unfortunately, sometimes it just comes up

You can fix that .. go to the comments section of your blog and attach your email to your posts.