
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Be honest.

I'm back, did you miss me???

Miss Puss says:
"Did someone send us flowers?"

 Heart be still.
Haven't received flowers in quite a while.  It poses all kinds of possibilities.

Do you love the Christmas bulb the flowers are in?

 Nope, no secret admirer.  Just the fine folks at the Woolery, in Frankfurt, Kentucky.
They are also online at
Take a look, they have everything imaginable for the fiber artist.
They carry the Hip to Be Square, and the Walking on Sunshine Rag Rug Kit, and I am very grateful to them for their continued support.

For two days, the warp on my Leclerc Compact has been the job at hand.
There was a lot of winding spools, on my double ended bobbin winder.
I also use my Shakespeare line counter, so I know what I am doing.

No, I have not done anything to 'brighten' up this picture.
These are REALLY the colors.
 Yikes.   I outdid myself.

While I'm working,  there are some who are lounging, as near the heat as they can get.

 First I had to tie the new warp onto the old one.
480 threads.
It is a meditative experience.

Here it is all tied on.  Now for the fun part.

Did I say fun???

Here are the knots, being gently shaken through the heddles.

It really isn't that hard.  It's like everything else, you just do it a step at a time.

Twenty minutes later, we're in business.
Wow, these are sure going to brighten up someone's kitchen.
I have 25 yards of warp on the loom.   I think I will be ready for something tamer by the time I get to the end.

Tell me the truth.............are they too much???


  1. The flowers are simply perfect!

    Colors of the new towels are stupendous! Cheerful, bright, summery, fiesta towels - gotta love them!

  2. Great colors! They will really brighten up some lives.

  3. Love the colors and absolutely love your blog. I'm a crafter and paint yard art. No blog but do have a page on Facebook. Z.A.Z. Family Wood Crafts if you would like to see what I do. Someday I will get to your part of the country and will stop at you shop. Hope you and yours have a very happy holiday. Feel better every day.

  4. LOVE the red flowers - so pretty.

    Well, one thing I can say about the towel warp (which I adore!) is that you can NOT get depressed while working on it! :-) Not at all too much - they are cheery and bright and happy.

    Have a wonderful holiday.

  5. Too much? Nope! I think the colors are totally perfect and beautiful. Bright and cheery and happy.

  6. Okay, how weird is it that Martha and I posted comments at the exact same time and used almost the exact same words? (cue the creepy music)

  7. I love the colors. And I also love the Christmas bulb filled with flowers. What a creative and lovely design.

  8. Wonderful happy colours ! I like ! Lovely photos and flowers so nice ! Are we gona see the towels when they are done ? Oh please can we ? Have a good day !

  9. fabulous! the colors remind me of dahlias. i love dahlias! merry christmas!

  10. Absolutely not. And I love hearing the joy in your voice. Love it!!

  11. Those colors bring summer into the winter.

  12. Love the bright colors - they're wonderful! Makes me want to put the colors I had pulled out for a towel warp back on the shelf and go for bright and cheery!

  13. I think your towels are perfect! I live in Iowa, and it has been days since the sun has been out---we are living our own version of "Fifty Shades of Gray." We are supposed to get 4"-8" of snow tomorrow, with winds between 30-50 mph. Those towels would be just the thing to bring a little sunshine and cheer into someone's kitchen.

  14. Not at all! Very pretty and vibrant. Warms me up!

  15. Oh no!!! I love the bright colors!!

  16. Are the colors too much? No. My kitchen is red with sunflowers. My dining room is gold with watermelons and my living room is green with plum accents. The towels will be perfect for someone.

  17. LOVE the colors. Have you ever thought of making infinity scarves? I'd buy one!

  18. They are bright and happy colors and will be great in a kitchen!! :)

  19. I LOVE the colors! They cheered me up and I didn't even know I needed cheering up! :)

  20. I was at the Woolery a couple months ago for the first time -- and your products were in the window! How nice of them to send you flowers.

  21. Great colorway to brighten up a grey January day! Love those flowers! The container is gorgeous too!

  22. Absolutely not! These are great colors together!!...

    I just hope you're not overdoing it. *ahem

  23. They're perfect! You bring sunshine on a cloudy day (now let that song run through your head today). And hell, yeah I missed you. :)

  24. They are fabulous!!! Love how bright they are.

    Merry Christmas!
    Lee Anna

  25. NOT too much at all!
    Totally love it!

    Merry Christmas!

  26. Those colors are so fantastic~! It will brighten up any kitchen with color. Great job~!~!
    ta ta for now from Iowa:)


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