
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Cold and colds. Drat.

A cold and gray Sunday.  We've had a mixture of snow, sleet, rain.
Both mother, and DH, have nasty colds.  I've washed my hands so much they are red.
Here's what I know.
You can flush the toilet with your elbow, turn the faucet off with your elbow, and hide a towel in the shower so no one else can use it.
But that doesn't mean you are going to avoid getting it.
I'm hopeful though.
I better go wash my hands again.

Had lunch with a friend, it was a great day for hot soup and good conversation.
Tomato and white bean soup.
Warm cinnamon bread with sliced Granny Smith apples and melted cheese.

There is someone who dislikes this weather even more than I do.
It interrupts his walking schedule.
It sucks.

Right, Roy???


You just have to amuse yourself on days like this.  And that is something that I have always been quite good at doing.

Maybe I'll have some Vitamin C.

I actually took a nap on the couch today, with Roy.  We fell sound asleep.
Then I sat in front of the fireplace and finished this bag I have been weaving on.
I had a little warp in a bag, that I wound before my surgery, so I put that on the loom.
It's ready to be woven.

 It is hard to keep images of tragedy out of your mind.  I am so sad, I don't really know what to say.
We can talk about guns, and God, and the effects of too much media.
But nothing will bring back the lives that were lost.  And nothing will make us forget it.
I am trying to convince myself of all the good in the world.
I am concentrating on that.
All of this convinces me that what I have thought about religion all my life, and my affinity to deism, is right after all.  At least for me, it fits.
I think I will read Thomas Paine's "The Age of Reason", one more time.
It's the only thing that makes any sense.

Tomorrow night is the giveaway.......and Tuesday is silent, in respect


  1. Garlic tabs and Vitamin C to help keep the cold from gettin' ya. That sandwich sounds and looks just yummy. I have a brie baked in an apple cinnamon bread (store bought) that I'm anxious to try soon. Those colours are wonderful. As for Newtown... unfathomable heartbreak.

  2. go wash your hands! And your keyboard! if it's shared :-)

    I have not read that book, will have to look for it.

    Just watched the vigil in Newtown on TV... I think the President spoke well, said what needs to be said.. and acted upon.

  3. We have germs flying around our house too. No fun.

    Great use of color in that bag by the way...wish I were still a book reader, but I think A.D.D. Stalled my reading some years ago. Just can't seem to find books that hold my interest anymore.

    Poor Roy. He needs a walk, mama!

  4. Icky weather. Icky colds. Icky news.
    Good colors, good Roy Boy, good food!

    We have to hang on to our beliefs, whatever they are, and know that life is short - for whatever reason - and make the best of our life every day.

  5. i tell Toonman when he gets a cold that he is not permitted to EXHALE his germs in the apartment ...

  6. The Age of Reason is my favorite. xoxo


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