
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Okey dokey then.

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2011-10-09 23:41:21 UTC

That means that the winner is Claudia W...........congratulations!!    Email me your address, and I will send your chair seat to you.
I am still up in the air about the name.........but when I choose one, if I choose one suggested by a blogger, then I will send that blogger a chair seat, as well.
I will keep you posted.

Today my husband and I took a little drive.
Cause this is my favorite time of year.

First we went to pick some apples.

Unfortunately, they had a rule about no PETS.
Stupid rule, right Roy???

But we weren't there long, so he didn't mind much.

The trees are beginning to change colors, but they are far from peak around here.  Not enough cold nights.

That means that I'll have to take more time off, to go see the PEAK color, when it happens.
Oh, darn.

Not sure what that face is know men, they snarl for no reason.
Roy, on the other hand, never snarls.

We stopped at a quarry that I have passed a million times.

This is a beautiful old marble quarry, lots of cliffs to jump from.
I found this photo.....

And evidence of previous visitors.

Apparently it has been a favorite spot for a long time.

It is a beautiful place, and I imagine the water is cold and refreshing on a hot, muggy day.

But today it was quiet, and we were the only ones there.  That was ok with me.

I can't believe that October is moving so fast.   I want it to slow down.

I want  to take some time to enjoy this month, before it's gone.

I guess I will have to designate days off.

I am still looking for a home for Lucy.  She is being terrorized by Jinx, who has decided not to like her.
Go figure.

This is one of the sculptures at the quarry.   I found this photo on google.
I will be honest, I didn't see it when we were there, now I want to go back.

Here I am with my boy Roy.
He makes my day, let me tell ya'.

Who wouldn't love that face???

Beautiful day.  Beautiful countryside.   A little rest.

Necessary sometimes.


  1. Totally necessary...we all need it more often! xo

  2. Now that is a good day. Love that Roy! He is lucky to have you.

  3. That Roy is one lucky pooch finding a new family!

  4. Such lovely settings! I am envious!

  5. The quarry looks gorgeous. I keep trying to post, but blogspot seems to hate me.

    On the seat pads, how about Soleful Seats?

  6. I like Ocotber too. My husband and I celebrated our 6th anniversary yesterday. I think October is probably my favorite month.

    Here's a link for you. Barry Mannilow's When October Goes. Enjoy!

  7. Vermont is one of my favorite places... you are very lucky to be so close. Beautiful pictures! Congrats to the winner of the chair pad!

  8. Looks like you had a lovely day.

    The "no pets" rule is likely because of federal regulations being pressed on farmers in an effort to ensure food safety. Doggy poo and a dropped apple don't exactly make for a yummy treat. (Not saying you wouldn't clean up after ol' Roy, but some people wouldn't.) Around here the regulation-generators are trying to figure out a way to keep the birds from flying over the blueberry fields.

    Yeah. Just wash your fruit, people.

  9. Roy is a joy! Your trip to the quarry was awesome, loved the pictures. Congrats to the chair pad winner, lucky duck!

  10. Another beautiful place you have shared with us. I love it!
    I kind of chuckled when I read the sign. Out here in good old CA, apparently, we aren't adult enough, or too many people here are sue happy. We would not be allowed in the quarry without a docent to take us through, it would be too dangerous! Really!
    I feel like a lucky duck to be the chosen interger for the cushion. It is beautiful and it will an inspiration for me. I am going to use it on my loom bench! Thank you so much!

  11. My Mother use to swim at that quarry in Dorset! I've been there a time or two myself. What a handsome boy Roy is. He makes me happy to see him too.


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