
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Walking my way.

Last March, I joined Weight Watchers, to get rid of 25 lbs that I was sick of carrying around.   I stuck with it for about 10 weeks, and wasn't unhappy with the amount of food that I could eat.  But I did get tired of sitting in meetings listening to stuff I already knew.  I felt like I was wasting time, and it just somehow didn't feel right.
I did lose a few lbs, and I became acutely aware of how much I was accustomed to overeating.
I wasn't walking because of my plantar fasciitis, but I finally had my heel injected with cortisone, and that started to get better.

Then Roy came into my life, and he was healthy and young and wanted to walk.  So walk we did, and walk we do.
And Roy likes to walk FAST.

Since the end of June, Roy and I have walked 3 miles every day, except for one day of the weekend, and then we walk 4.5 miles.  I rarely miss a day, unless it is pouring down buckets.  Every morning when I wake up, I decide when I am going to walk, and then I plan the rest of my day around THAT.

And I eat pretty much whatever I want, while trying not to be a glutton.  Which I have the potential to be.  Sometimes, I am, anyway.

Just sayin'.

So after three months of walking, I have seen change.
 I have taken jeans off the shelf of clothes that don't fit, and they slide right on, and zip right up, without a problem.  I am down about 14 lbs from last spring, but I definitely have more muscle, and my clothes are fitting differently.  In a BETTER way.  I don't even care what the scale says, when jeans I love not only fit, but don't cut into my waist when I sit down, that is what matters to me.

This is natural.   Sitting in WW is not.  Drinking protein shakes for lunch is not.  Worrying. Is. Not.

I think it has something to do with finding your true self, without the baggage.  The older I get, the more I feel that I have discarded a lot of extraneous stuff.  Dyeing my hair.  Eyeliner. Disturbing people. Working for somebody else.

 An old friend said it was about the chaff falling away, fully becoming the person you are.
Those words soothe me.

Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend.


  1. Ah! I think it is love...Roy is a true hunk! And I can relate to all you say about embracing the self we are becoming. What a relief! I wouldn't go back to my 30's for anything!

  2. And I joined the gym and started with swimming lessons. I think the important thing is to eat good whole foods and exercise, however that works out.

  3. What a relief indeed.

    By the way, I found the most awesome rig for walking a dog that tends to pull... it's called Easy Walker (posted about it, you might have seen it) .... it's sort of a harness, but less intrusive, that clips in the front and it works like a CHARM!!! much better than anything else I've ever tried, and it does not yank on the dog, at all!... love it.

  4. It's funny how things just fall into place sometimes, huh? Congrats on the weight loss without really trying. You have beautiful areas to walk in. Roy is a lucky boy....long walks are GREAT for a dog that size. My little guys would never go that long!
    I need to find myself, and dump whatever baggage I'm walking around with, because I have gained SO much weight, and I desperately need to go in the other direction. Keep inspiring me!

  5. Oh yeah...getting down to our true essence! I love the getting rid of eyeliner! hahaha!!! And working for other people, I had to give that up, too! You look wonderful, by the way (so does Roy)!

  6. Hilary:
    Check out
    for options to pee standing up, even in pants! But practice first! before using it outdoors the first time. I feel it takes some confidence!

  7. Daniel and I are jumping on your bandwagon, planning long daily walks now that he is our only dog. He needs the time with me, and I could use the activity.

    Roy sure is a blessing to you!

  8. Aw Hilary, I love this post. "Let's walk it off" I'm with you. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4

  9. Thanks for your WW (Words of Wisdom), Hilary. I'm gonna give the walk a try starting tomorrow :)


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