
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lazy Sunday

This taking Sunday off thing is getting  to be habit forming.

But the "girl" was playing softball, and the season is over soon.  Big incentive to be there.

She slugged one out over third base, and then she ran like the wind.

Someone is looking a little wistful.  
She'll be playing soon.

It was also a good day to get the "old girl" out and about.  She is doing better, but sometime she gets a little "house bound".

I got to see all three of my daughters, and all four of my grandkids.
There is just nothing better than that.

What a cute bunch, eh??

Ah, Sundays, and family.  

I'm with Karen over at This Old House .......too much bad news and sensational headlines for me.
Trying to keep my life, and my mind, in simple mode.
It is easier to see from this perspective.  I don't need as much as I thought I did, say 20 years ago.  I am happier with less, what I want from my life has changed.
I am so fortunate in so many ways.  Every day is a gift.  I can make it count, or not.
Today counted.
I want to make them all count.


  1. Frog socks ROCK!

  2. i love that first shot. your granddaughter's concentration and 'serious ballplayer stance' is priceless!

  3. Amen sister! nothing like family

  4. Ya,,, the news just stinks, in fact I haven't even looked at it today and that's a rarity for me.

    Your granddaughter is looking wistful. Always hard for the smaller kids to not get to play when the older ones do. Time will fix that.


  5. Here's to the days that really count, then ~

  6. Here Here! A very wise woman you are! And what a beautiful family you have. ~Lili


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