
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A cold wintry day.

AVL warped, Happy Light turned on.

 Snow storm apparently decided to avoid the northeast.

Someone said these are too pretty to be dish towels.
But I say, why shouldn't we have beautiful textiles in our daily lives?  Makes me feel good to make them, and makes me feel good to use them.

 It was very cold out today, but no snow to speak of.  Everyone got ready for the big blizzard, but not this time.  It's really ok with me.

I proved something to myself today, something that I knew perfectly well, but kind of wanted to ignore.
Yup, the old carrying eggs in your jacket pocket trick........not wise.
Do I need to say more???

 Lois is on vacay.  
Sydney wants to know what the hell is going on.
I told her, "I got this."
I am currently flitting from loom to loom......fiesta rugs, mobius shawls, mohair throws, and cotton dishtowels.
These two are sold already.

 Since the girls are laying their little selves silly, despite the cold, I made some more egg muffins.

These have zucchini, red pepper, onions and cheese.  They make a great breakfast.

I'm just amusing myself, counting the days until spring.  Staying warm.

How about you?


  1. That looks so yummy.. and the towels are beautiful. But eggs in your pocket? I guess the yolk is on you. ;)

  2. The towels are, indeed, beautiful. So are the muffins...wanna tell us how? Just mix eggs & milk, add the veggies, & bake?

    Glad that you apparently don't have any ill head effects from the car crunch.

  3. If you are like me you are tired of winter so it is wonderful that you did not have to deal with a heavy snow-storm. We have had quite an easy winter so far here in Ontario. Not too much snow (so far) and lots of sun-shine. Your towels are so pretty and would make any kitchen look beautiful.And your egg muffins look amazing. Is there anything better than fresh, organic eggs? I think I'll try making these soon. I take it your chickens are happy and warm or you wouldn't be enjoying such delicacies at breakfast. Stay toasty, Deb

  4. i am now craving one ok two of those muffins …

  5. I've done the egg in the pocket thing....yeah. An experience you gotta have to understand.

    Love the towels.... I gotta get me a 16 shaft loom....

  6. For those of us that suck at cooking, recipe for the egg muffins? Pretty please? Love the blue towels, my favorite color. Glad the head seems to be behaving if youre able to weave. Cheers and stay warm.

  7. My customers say the same thing about my (simple four shaft!) towels. But what mundane chore needs beauty more then drying dishes? My niece built a Tiny House (but now lives in a tiny Brooklyn apartment) and everything needs to serve a dual (or more!) purpose. Beautiful and useful. Perfect!

  8. So much warmth, and good humor streaming through your words, your weaving, your life. I did the egg in a pocket thing when I was a wee one- hehe- why oh why does one think that will work?


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