You would think I would be used to tough days, right?
Truth is, they surprise me every time. Maybe it's because I am hopelessly optimistic.
I dream of waking up without a headache. I really do.
I actually think it might happen.
You think sometime since October 2011, I would have given that up, but not so.
After a miserable morning, and a miserable afternoon, in which I persisted in doing what I had planned to do NO MATTER WHAT, I finally took to the couch.
A nap, some Motrin, heat on my neck........eventually I am getting some relief.
But nothing could spoil the fun I was having at the loom today, making baby blankets.
One in neutrals.
One in pale yellow and pale green.
And some variegated that I found in my stash.
These are going to be thick baby blankets. I can't wait to see how they turn out.
Only my neck and my slamming head could pull me away from this, let me tell you. I was mesmerized.
It's a good thing.
Being mesmerized.
Sometimes, I think that along with my family and my friends, and my blogger friends, weaving is what gets me through.
I have a little "cleaning" tip....hard to believe coming from me, I know. But here it is anyway.
I was going to replace the kitchen sink at the studio. It was incredibly stained because of the hard water, and I really didn't think it was worth saving.
Enter Cory, my carpenter/handyman/adoptedson, who said........"that sink is perfectly good."
I made a face at that, and he said, "I'll be right back."
True to his word, he did come back, and tackled that sink himself.
The end result is truly unbelievable. I only wish I'd taken a picture of it before he did it.
You'll have to take my word for it, it was gross.
But here it is NOW.
Needless to say, I am NOT getting a new sink.
And here is the "secret".
They sell it in a spray, but the toilet bowl cleaner is stronger. You can bet I will be keeping this stuff on hand.
This stuff is NO JOKE.
And that's it from me today. I am amazed that I am still upright. I think in my next life I'm going to be a pit bull.
A lap dog.