
Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Double Dose of Hilary

Hello wonderful and supportive friends of my namesake. 

This is the other Hilary (from The Smitten Image) writing on behalf of our dear friend Hilary (right here at Crazy as a Loom). She sent me an email from her phone, this morning and asked me to let you all know how she is doing.

In a nutshell (and we all know that Hilary is one tough nut), she's doing fantastic! Yay!

Here's her note to me, so that you can read for yourself. And smile. And tear up just a wee bit with relief and gratitude.

This surgey was half as long
I came out of anesthesia ready to rock
I don't understand but I'm grateful
Spasms in neck muscles not bad
This time feels different
My son in law texted me before surgery
And said what I guess I needed to hear
He said:
Kick ass, like you always do.
And I think I did
And I think my mom was in the OR
Just tell everyone that I'm really fine
And thanks for all well wishes and prayers
Think they held me up



  1. Yes, certainly tearing up with relief and gratitude. Prayers for quick healing for a special lady who has had a big and beautiful impact on my life. Wishing her a quick recovery so that she can get back to the things that bring her joy.

  2. thank you, hilary, for the update from hilary!!! yay!!!

  3. So glad this story had a happy ending to this chapter with many more to read.

  4. Good to hear that things went as well as could be expected. Here's to no more headaches !!!

  5. Thank you so much for the update! Praying all continues to go well and she is back to enjoying life once again. I am sure her mom was with her every step of the way and will continue to be.
    Hugs & Prayers,

  6. good things for good people..... go hilary!

  7. Oh so good to hear a bit of good news! Keep it up Hilary!

  8. What an enormously grand blog to open this AM. TY Hilary and Hilary! (WHEW!!)
    Hugs and love...

  9. Thanks for letting us know that our gal is doing okay...

    Such a relief....


  10. GRAND news!! ROCK ON, Hilary!!!!

    (thanks to the other H. for posting the news)

  11. Thank you for the update. I am hopeful that this third one's a charm. Having had three major surgeries in 2010 I know how you feel but I didn't have to live with that headache. Please the gods, it is gone. Thinking of you Hilary. xo

  12. Oh that is good news . You go girl and kick ass big time WOOHOO ! Thanks for the report !

  13. Thanks for the update.
    Rock on Hilary!!

  14. So relieved~so grateful!
    Sending hugs and good thoughts and prayers!

  15. So good to hear you are doing so well Hilary! Of course your mom was with you, death is not final ... love knows no bounds, our loved ones are always near ... always! God bless, will continue to pray for you.

  16. Tearing up! YAY!!! You go, girl!

  17. Thank Heavens. Thank every Power that is! Worried? Oh yeah. The world needs Hilary(s).

  18. Thanks so much for the update, GREAT news, go, Hilary, Go!!

  19. Thank you Hilary and Hilary for the update! Although I never had a doubt that Hilary would as her son in law said for her to do...kick ass...I am still having a bout of tears of relief. I am so happy that our friend has once again pulled another surgery off without a hitch. Let's all pray that this be the very last one!!!

  20. So glad it went well. Thinking of you. Rock ON.

  21. Aaah.... so glad to hear she is doing so well. Thanks Hilary!

  22. Great news! Hopefully this will solve the headaches! Yes, your mom was there and today my wonderful uncle joined her,

  23. Great news! Hopefully this will solve the headaches! Yes, your mom was there and today my wonderful uncle joined her,

  24. I am so very relieved and grateful to hear of your recovery! I have no doubt that your Mom was with you all the way, supporting and lending you her strength as well. I am praying that the special feelings that you are having are the true beginnings of the rest of your beautiful life and look forward to again reading your commentary on the beauty of life, your children and grands, Next and the other cats, and hopefully, the weaving, too. Good luck in finding a new owner for your business in a speedy manor so that you may begin the pursuit of Life on your terms. Thank you and your friend Hilary for letting the rest of your friends know how you are doing and now, get on with your Recovery! Thank you for being the very special, sharing and caring person that you are!

  25. Such good news! Thank you for the report.

  26. So glad to read Hilary's post on Hilary......especially the good news. Prayers coming your way Hilary for a speedy recovery and no more headaches! Celia~Maine

  27. So very happy to hear that!! :)

  28. You're the kickiest ass kicker of all! xoxo

  29. thats great news .. thanks Hilary!!!

  30. Yay!!!! Thanks Hilary......& keep kickin ass Hilary......!!!!!

  31. Knew you could do it.... much love and sending healing vibesxx

  32. We are thankful for your message, Hilary, as we are thankful for the presence of our Hilary in our lives. Godspeed.

    Pam, WI

  33. I am so very happy to hear the good news!
    Many hugs!

  34. Sooooo Glad things are going better than expected! Thank you for letting us know so soon. Have you read the Diana Gabaldon Outlander series? Got me through dbl knee replacements.

  35. So happy that hear that Hilary is doing well. She will be blogging again in no time!


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