
Friday, June 10, 2011


Did I say I was taking the day off????
Did I really say that?
First, I had a little Kashi with blueberries.......the way I start most days

Well, I did take the day off......kind of.  I didn't weave.  I didn't cut fabric, or sew, or dye.
None of it.

But I was so busy all day, that I 'feel' like I DID work all day.

First off, L and I took the bikes and went on what she calls an "adventure".
So, let's expose that for what it is.
Adventure means driving off 15 miles into the woods, mosquitoes, sweating a lot, going with a bicycle where there is no trail, down hill,  getting a stick through your bicycle wheel, which in turn takes the chain off the get the picture.
It also means being bossed around a LOT.
Oh, I didn't tell you that?  Yes, well, she TRIES.
I am so not the 'bossable' type.
But truthfully, it also means getting the FULL history of the area in question, complete with names, and dates, and details.
Ah, yes, let's not forget the details.
The good that I am done doing a little roast on that it was well worth the trouble.

Wow, what a beautiful place.

I grew up a stone's throw from Lake George.  Well, actually it is now known as  the Lake George outlet, but when I was a child, it was  known as the 'crick'.   It does not compare with the "lake proper".

While it wasn't the prettiest part of the lake, it was the easiest access from my neighborhood.

Lots of stones and tree roots to watch out for.  I don't need to fall on my face again.  Or on my knees.   They are troublesome enough without any more trauma.

The sun wasn't shining, but it was still a great day.

Lake George is 32 miles long, with Lake George village at one end, which is very commercial.
Ticonderoga, where I grew up, is at the north end.   Not commercial at all. 
If you have never experienced Lake George, you are missing something.

I was INSTRUCTED not to take pictures while I was riding my bicycle.

I think I would love to bring a book, and some lunch, and park right here one of these mornings.
What do you think?

I was able to ride my bike, but not up any incline, as I couldn't shift it.  I also discovered that even if it would shift, it takes my painful right thumb to do it.
Hmm.  Now there's a dilemma.

These rocks were built to hold up the carriage roads through the woods.
I love rocks.
I have a serious love of rocks.

What?  Sun??
For real?

This little adventure gave me ideas for other days off, there are several hikes to be done in this woods, and things to see.
I'm glad Bossy Bertha   "L" knows her way around.
All kidding aside, she is a great tour guide.  I would never have found this place without her, and I wouldn't have taken time off without her nagging at me.

I might bring her next time I come up here.

And while she's talking, I get to take pictures.
Of myself even.
Have a great weekend!



  1. wow! GORGEOUS area! glad your hand/thumb was cooperative enough to allow you a day-trip! thanks for sharing the beauty with us!

  2. We've vacationed on Lake George three times - it's a wonderful place - you remember Gaslight Village, which sadly is now defunct. Have you been to the Natural Stone Bridge not far from the lake? If not.. THAT is just incredible too.

  3. Great post, Hilary. I am glad you had that "day off". I am a serious rock lover, too! And the "crick" is my kind of beautiful. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  4. I want my daughter and I to go riding down by where I grew up. It won't have to be a tour or anything like that, but a nice bike ride.
    I love my bike even though I have only ridden it once!
    Beautiful area there. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Those are some beautiful photos! Makes me want to go riding with you!

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment today. I've been wondering about that lady for three days, now, and praying for her.

  6. Lovely places, I am so glad you guys got to take an adventure together. Thanks for sharing the pictures of places many of us have never seen.

    You do live in a pretty part of the country.

  7. I haven't been to Lake George in over twenty years! Your pictures are gorgeous. Glad you had an adventure!

  8. Oh we vacation at Brant Lake and your pictures give me pangs of love!!!

  9. I absolutely loved that Hilliary. Thanks for taking the time to share it with us. The pictures are fabulous, watercolor sketchable.

  10. Well, this post just wore my ass out! Bicycling? What's wrong with you? LOL panting panting panting,.... jeez. Just give me a truck to ride in and I'm good.


  11. Great post! My heart aches to be near a lake and thanks to you I had a visit this morning! We would vacation in a cabin on a lake in Maine or Vermont for years of my childhood and I always had fun! Clear, cool, beautiful water to swim in! Maybe I can convince the dh we "need" to vacation at a lake this year... :-)

  12. Enjoyed this post. I am an outdoor-kinda girl too.There is no better way to get around than by bike or feet.
    Must to my son's wedding.
    Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4


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