
Friday, February 25, 2011

Oh, no, not again.

I am begging for mercy, along with a lot of other people.
Not sure what is happening in your part of the country, but the northeast is getting pounded.

I don't focus when I take these pictures, just point and shoot.   So you get what you get.

I always love seeing the studio in the distance.  Even in this weather.
It's where I love to be.

I had the studio all to myself today, except for my 4 helpers.   Seriously, they are so NOT helpful.
They didn't even scare this squirrel away.
I yelled at him several times, and he stayed away for about 2 minutes, and came right back.  Then I realized that his little foot was bleeding, and he looked straight at me, trembling, so I stopped yelling at him.
For crying out loud.
Fine then.

So I spent most of the day sewing tote bags together.
I have 5 more beach size totes in crazy colors.

And some small bags, large purse size.

Some vintage fabric.

I love this one, these two photos show you both sides of it.

And this with hot pink straps!

I made myself a great salad.
And snow storm, or no snow storm, I enjoyed this day.

I apologize for complaining so much about the weather.  Silly, isn't it?
Yes, it's cold.  There's about a foot of new snow.
There is beauty, though, even in this.   You only have to look around to find it.
There is beauty in finding out that someone you love, though dealing with illness, is not dealing with lymphoma.
It has been a tough couple of weeks, and I am sitting here wanting to bawl, not because I am sad, but because I am so, so relieved.
Thanks for all your energy.  Your good thoughts, your prayers.
And a feather.
Thank you.


  1. Thank goodness it's not lymphoma. I hope and pray that your loved one gets well soon. NO...SOON!
    Beautiful pictures...cold pictures. I'm glad I'm not there. For one, I would have tried to catch that squirrel and put a bandaid on him! I know...there's no logic to how I think some days.
    The bags are beautiful.
    We're supposed to get snow to the 500 foot level tonight. I hope not...we do not know what to do with snow. I'm not prepared for anything like that.

  2. Oh prayers are answered! So glad it's not lymphoma.
    Poor little squirrel, we feed the squirrels here and enjoy their antics - they have their feeder and the birds have one. No sharing (yeah, right:)
    Love the bags!
    It rained for two days here, now we are expecting snow. Spring, where are you?

  3. You are very productive - the bags are wonderful. Those squirrel pics are great! I'm glad you got good health news - what a relief!

  4. So pleased you friend is not as ill as once feared. I adore the brown tote..beautiful!

  5. WOW, you really are getting some weather today! We just had lots of wind, big puffy clouds, warm, cold... a real mix. Your salad looks delish and I am loving the bags in the brown tones... VERY NICE as always.


  6. Glad you got some good news after your weeks of worry. And I love that little squirrel. I hope he stays warm and is full now so can mend that little foot. :)

  7. Such a relief - good news! Yeah, we got pounded too - lost power so couldn't sew strips until this afternoon. And that meant I could take a shower - probably more information than you wanted

  8. We don't have snow right now, but a horrid storm system last night blew in cold weather for today. So disappointing after several days of 70 degree weather!

    Your squirrel is quite the acrobat; I'm hopeing that loved one WITHOUT lymphoma will be doing those stunts soon!

  9. I felt every moment expressed in this post, Hilary.
    I am truly grateful for your relief & that of your loved one...

  10. So good to hear that news, Hilary. Now breathe alittle easier.

    We had rain rain rain - washed away some of that dirty snow. Now it's just cold.

  11. Beautiful bags; so glad for your tears of relief! It has been 78-80 here all week, sunkissed and azalea you really want to know?! I lhave lots of room for a weaver....

  12. Thinking of you and expressing JOY at the good news....

  13. I know what you mean about the weather. It can get to you after a while. I am sooo ready for SPRING!! Love your bags. Gorgeous, vibrant colors.

  14. I, too, am tired of the snow and cold. But I can spend all day indoors working on my projects and not feel guilty because I should be pulling weeds. Glad to hear it is not lymphoma.


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