
Monday, October 25, 2010

Where's the maid?

Weaving an 18 ft rug yesterday and today............
and yeah, making a big, fat mess.

From october

I am quite pleased with it though. It turned out well.
More of the "wave".
From october

I think I love the texture of rag rugs about as much as I love the color.
From october

I am doing a mini show at the Marriott hotel in Albany tomorrow, at a Women's Health Conference. Not sure why I said I would do it, but I did. So now I am just going to make the best of it. I can't take a whole bunch of stuff, so I am mainly taking the Hip to Be Square Looper Loom, and some other small things.
It is only for about 4 hours, so it should be OK.
I have to get myself and the studio prepared for another weaving weekend coming up.

When we were in Maine, I bought this little item.

From october

Yes, it is a quesadilla maker.
And it is pretty neat, except that I found out the hard way that you cannot OVERFILL your quesadilla..
It still tasted pretty darn good.
From october

Now if I only had some guacamole.


  1. My oh My that is a huge runner.. Very beutiful and very colorful..

    4 hour show should be lots of fun~! Hope your new loper looms sell quickly. They are so cool~!

    I like the quesadilla machine looks like lots of fun and yummy~! Didn't know you could buy something like this..
    Have a great Tuesday~! ta ta for now...

  2. I love this runner!

    Enjoy your show.

  3. Such pretty "waves" of color in that runner. WOW! It is long.
    Yum...quesadillas and a quesadilla maker. Never heard of one before. Now I want one!

  4. Love the rug! I agree with the texture being as important in a rag rug as the color. I often wondered about those quesadilla makers, being the gadget junkie I am. :-)

  5. Wow great rug! I have (2) avocados in the fridge but don't think they'll ship well.

  6. I quesadilla maker? Who da thunk? Is it made by K-Tel, or Ronco?

    JUST KIDDING!! Bet it works great from the looks of it and my mouth is watering now and it's bed time for food... must sleep.

    AND I love the truck photo!


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