
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blah, blah.

I drive by this old truck every morning. It has been begging for a picture.

From october

A friend stopped by the studio today, with her granddaughter, who wanted to thank me for her fiesta skirt.
From october

Hmm, aren't we serious?
From october

I know, some days I feel that way, too.
Sometimes, the only thing you can do is have dessert. Like pumpkin cheesecake.
From october

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


  1. Good story! think I'd be sticking to it too!
    PS What a mighty and beautiful tree!

  2. I love that truck, too bad the for sale sign is in it, otherwise it's nearly perfect photo op!

    I have been craving CRAVING pumpkin cheesecake!

  3. I want a bit of the pumpkin cheesecake!!!!!!


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