
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Looking ahead.

It's been a busy two days. I had a student from Quebec.

From october

She was a pleasure to teach.
She had a loom given to her, and she is anxious to get weaving on it.
I think she is definitely hooked.

From october

She did a nice job on this rug.
From october

Miss Puss approves.
From october

I love happy, new weavers.
While she was weaving, I was busy sewing the sides of placemats.
But first, I had to take my sewing machine apart, it needed to be cleaned badly.
From october

Tonight is one of my favorite shows. Not that I have that many. But for some reason I like "The Good Wife". So I am going to prop my eyelids open, so I can stay up long enough to see it.
I put my flannel sheets on, a sincere goodbye to summer.
It's hard to think about what is to come. October is so beautiful, winter seems so improbable.
But yet we can't avoid it.
It is kind of like warping a loom. Unavoidable. You just settle into it, and breathe.
There's always spring on the other side.


  1. I feel winter coming on as well, it struck me when Hubby turned on the fireplace this morning at 6:30. It's dark and rainy here today. But I never let it bring me down because it beats the holy heck out of summertime. Enjoy your day!

  2. Yep...winter is on its way here too.

    I love The Good Wife...but can't sleep if I watch it at its air time. So, I usually watch in online while I eat lunch on Wed. Ooop...almost lunch time, better go do that!

    Yay for the making of new weavers!

  3. Love the colors of the placemats and your cat.

  4. Winter is so long and dreary and grey here in New England... not looking forward to the blues that come with it.. hoping to find new inspiration!...

  5. We got an early sign of winter here. Usually we have our "Indian Summer", but this year is so different than others!
    Glad to see you have taught a new weaver. I'm still trying to get my little loom so I can teach myself.
    I always love seeing pictures of your kitties. They are so pretty!

  6. I think October is beautiful here, but it certainly is gorgeous in the Adirondacks. It's my favorite month!


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