
Monday, October 18, 2010

A little less conversation

Ay caramba.

From october

That's an awful lot of Hip to Be Square Looper Looms!

From october

"Can we talk?"

Hmm. Yes, I do wonder sometimes how I get myself into these places.
All this started with one little question in my head. An idea, some brainstorming, more ideas, more brainstorming. The end product evolved over a few months. There was a lot of collaboration.
While I occasionally shake my head, and say OMG, I am pleased with the results. Sometimes, you just have to follow your gut feeling. I believe in this and I believe it will be ultimately successful.
Unfortunately, marketing is not one of my favorite things to do. But I have to get over it.
" You gotta learn how to relax." (yawn)
From october

I'm trying. I really am.
From october

October in the Adirondacks. It really is a beautiful place to live.


  1. "Yes, I do wonder sometimes how I get myself into these places."

    True above all else.

    Every single picture you lent us has contentment in it. Every single one.

    Thank you for that.


  2. I love your cats~!~! They are so compfy...
    WOW you have a lot of looms...
    I missed you today.. Glad you came on and wrote a are tiggeriffic~!

  3. Looks like your kitty doesn't give relaxing a second thought. Just rolls over and does it. Maybe you are putting too much thought into the art of relaxing. Just DO IT!


  4. I absolutely love your cali-cat. Just beautiful. As are those mountains.


I love that you have taken time out to stop by and say hello. Come back again!
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