
Friday, January 8, 2010

New Age

From Crazy as a Loom

OK, tell me this doesn't say Mexicosunshinewarmbreezessummer????
I know, I know, the weatherman says cold,cold, cold this weekend, and I have lost it.

Last night was dinner and a movie (date) with my honey.
We saw "It's Complicated", with Alec Baldwin, and Meryl Streep. What a feel good movie.

And I made an impulsive purchase when we were cruising the mall, before the movie. I have been thinking about it for a long time. and even though I just wanted to look at them in Target, I ended up buying an Ipod Touch. Then I stayed up until midnight, cursing it, and the stupid ITunes site, and all technology period.
I finally gave it up, and went to bed. Had a busy day today.
Tammy and I had a custom rug to weave. I was ready, fabric all cut, warp tied on and ready.
And as usual, we rocked!!!!!
We have woven so many of these big rugs together, we just do it. We don't have to even talk about fact, we talk about pretty much everything else.
And we finished the rug.

From Crazy as a Loom

And tonight, I have downloaded my first MUSIC onto my Ipod, some feel good Sade.
Feel good movies, feel good music. Almost mid January, gotta find feel good wherever you can. It certainly isn't in the weather.
Now that I have my new toy figured out, I can find podcasts I want to listen to when I am weaving. I guess I am not that challenged after all.

It might be colder tomorrow, but there will be bright rugs, and good music at Crazy as a Loom.


  1. Having lived in the Southwest U.S. for 22 years I have a soft spot for the bright colors offered there. I had just a few splashes of it in my home decor while living there. Now that we are on the East Coast of the U.S. I still sigh and get a bit nostalgic about Arizona whenever I see those colors. Pretty rug!

    The Blue Ridge Gal

    (what a high tech gal you are becoming!!)

  2. Lovely rug, you do rock! You will love your IPod, I have the Touch and the Classic both, I would be lost without them. I had the IPod Photo for years, it crashed on me, I felt as if I had lost a long time companion. :)

  3. I know nothing of IPod, I fight the ownership of a cell phone, of any phone.

    Your rugs are just so beautiful! I love both of them. I envy your talent and your drive.

  4. Ipod I have seen and You are brave to get one, and loading music now. I find even using the different applications of my handphone too complicated. Thanks for showing how the rugs are done, I have at least 3 of of these types at home but not as colourful and nice as yours.

  5. Would a woman divorced like the movie?

  6. Hilary, you will love your ipod touch. My daughter has one, and I loved it. I got myself one. Enjoy!
    Do you have wireless internet?

  7. That top photo is stunning. The rug is just so beautiful. You've certainly brightened and warmed my icy January morning.

  8. Been away from the blogs for awhile, and certainly have missed a lot! Love the bright rug, what a pick me up on a dreary winter day. Also, am amazed that you and Tammy can make a huge rug like that in such short a time! Thanks for sharing.

  9. The colors in that first picture are downright delicious!

  10. If you will send me your address I will mail you a surprise for your new toy! I love my ipod. I run with it, listen to podcasts and just plan enjoy listening when I am working on projects,(not while I teach the children.) I also love the rugs! Just simply love reading about whats going on in your little neck or the woods.

  11. Those vivid colors totally made me think of the Southwest! Beautiful! I did the same thing when I started registering and loading my IPod ... started late at night when I was tired, then discovered it wasn't going to be as quick as I'd assumed! :-) Have fun with it!

  12. Oh, we are all needing that color right now. It is so cold, just about everywhere! I'm heading south next week, and they are as cold as the Mid-Atlantic. I want my money back.
    Dont forget to check out weavecast- weaving podcasts. iPod- Steve Jobs' gift to bored travelers everywhere.

  13. Ah the ipod... bane of many an existence. Loved the pictures! I can't fathom crafting something like that. Awesome.

  14. I have my I-Pod on my I-Phone and love I-tunes! I have playlists for me and for my grandson, who is 2. I gave him a nano and speakers his mom uses for him to listen to music during the day. What a great invention.

    Love the one you are making now - wow - great colors.

  15. I was really happy to see your weft on the shuttle. I think I'm on the right track. I listen to my iPod when I weave and today listened to Diane Rehm interview Atul Gawande - very enjoyable.

    I loved that movie too. It *was* complicated. I find myself still thinking about it and all the things I didn't catch so know I'll be watching it again when it comes out on DVD.

  16. Wonderful color. Your rows are so tight and straight, very nice.
    I borrowed my husband iPod when we came beck from Maggie Valley on the bike (I was riding with him) and I monkeyed with that darn thing and cursed the whole way home trying to figure it out. Then my daughter had to explain it to me.

  17. Hillary, I love your work. The Mexican rug is absolutely wonderful. Love the colors. I, too, have been drooling over the Ipod Touch for all it's non-phone qualities. I used to weave sock ring rugs. Could you tell me where you get your rings these days? I'm about to resort to buying cheap tube socks and cutting them up. :D


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