
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day to day

These cold days seem to run into one life seems boring and mundane....same thing day after day.

From Crazy as a Loom

"Didn't we go through this just yesterday? I am NOT moving. Get over it."

My life is made up of cats and looms, looms and cats. I get up in the morning, and I'm on the road to the studio a little after 8am. Like a regular workday. On arrival, of course, breakfast is the first order of business. Theirs, not mine. Food, fresh water, litter box maintenance.
A cuppa tea.
Pellets in the stove, check messages, emails.
Same thing I did yesterday.
My life is uneventful, repetitious, not very exciting.

Get real. I love every minute of it. Don't let ME kid you.

The Coffee House on Sirius, or NPR, whichever rows my boat, cats who amuse me and even sometimes offer physical affection, a dozen looms all warped and ready to go. All day long, I do whatever I WANT TO DO.
This is life after retirement. This is my second life, my second career, the one I have been waiting for, dreaming of.
I love every day I spend at the studio, every single day.
First of all, I love the house, this 200+ year old house with such an incredible personality. I love every board, every window, every imperfection.
And if today I want to weave shawls, I will, and if I decide after lunch, I want to take a nap, or maybe I want to weave placemats, OR NO, maybe I want to cut fabric, or sew fabric, or maybe I want to just sit in front of the stove and cuddle Jinx....then that is what I do.
As DH says, I won't live long enough to weave all the fabric I have....he thinks that is bad. HA!
It is a world that I have imagined, and here I am.
From Crazy as a Loom

"Can we talk?"
From Crazy as a Loom

"I LOVE your rugs, have I told you that?"

From Crazy as a Loom

Jinx, are you laughing at me???

And there you have it, from Crazy as a Loom.


  1. Although I can only live with dogs (the Mister is allergic to cats), I do so love them and viewing your felines' antics make me miss having them around. Still, there's nothing like bundles of fluffiness (woofers OR meeyowers) keeping us company all day while we work, is there. I have that joy, too. A blessing indeed.

  2. Great post! Your cats have such BIG sure makes you glad we have digital cameras now!
    Happy Weaving!

  3. How very beautiful and rewarding to love what you do. I love that cat of yours.. he's so much like my own. Surprise! ;)

  4. Ok, I LOVE that first picture. In my head I hear...

    "Seriously? You're seriously thinking I'll move? Seriously? What in our history together would make you even entertain such a notion?"

    I look forward to starting my second life as well. Though I've a ways to go. :)

  5. I love your pics of the cats on your rugs ...

  6. This is a lovely post. Although I can't yet imagine such an equivalent career change , your post gets me thinking that I can still strive towards changes within myself , and a sense of enjoying in life what is genuinly right for me. Simple things like family, friends, creativity, and cats too !! I love watching them in the snow, trying to figure it all out !

  7. Oh to be a kitty kat and live in a weaving studio. That's the life, eh.

    Most people are envious of your life, Hilary. You are one lucky gal.

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  8. I was ready to get on my soap box and remind you how much you thrive in this environment and how much you love, I don't have to.

    You got me!

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I have written something similar about retirement. You are more constructive with your time than I, but perhaps I will make a bigger effort in the NEW Year.

  10. Sweet indeed. They always say, do what you love and the money will follow. I'm good if I never get past the first part.

  11. Man-O-Man! I want the same life as you. Cats, lots of warped looms, and time. Not exciting? Try being a boring old bookkeeper for 25 years! What you do IS exciting!!!

    Sigh... :)

  12. We are down to one lonely kitty. He looked at the lives that yours have and started to pack his little kitty bags to go live with you. I won't let him near my wool and that makes him cross...

  13. A cat is a must in a good life :).


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