
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Every rose has its.........bug?

(click on any photo to enlarge)

Finished this one yesterday. It should be on the beach in Kennebunk, Me. right about now, providing UPS is good for their overnight delivery.
I wish I was in Kennebunk, Me. Guess I should have offered delivery.
I wasn't fond of these colors, but I guess the match is pretty good. Custom orders are often worrisome for that reason. You get the paint/paper/fabric samples, you get pictures of the room, and sometimes I get a pillow case like this one, or even the old rug. Then I try to come up with the look, the colors that will make it all come together.
And of course, I don't always have the colors I want, even with the thousands of pounds of fabric I have. Therein lies the challenge.
So today, I finished off the warp, with a rug that made me happy to weave.
So now I am ready to put yet another warp on the old Toika, for a 5'x7' rug.

It has been too brutally hot to work in the garden, but I took a little tour, just to check things out.
My hollyhocks are coming along. I love them, and I especially love them when they reseed, and reseed, and reseed.
Rusty old things intrigue me.
Guess I must be finding myself pretty wonderful then, eh?
Some of my flowers are looking bad from all the rain, but these don't seem to mind at all.

My roses, on the other hand, are being attacked by strange bugs. Guess I need to do some research.
Here is one now, getting ready to do some evil deed.
And YUK!!!! Here are some of his closest friends, having a little party.

Oh, you poor thing, I think you are in real danger.
I love sedums. This one is one of my favorites, it turns a lovely rose color in the fall.
Can you see it???? It is very faint, but I think it is starting to turn already.
Oh, well, I guess it's true, September is just around the corner.

I am always looking at the back of the studio.....wondering how I can have a big back porch all across the back of the house. You know the kind I mean, one with a glider and rocking chairs, with a white railing.
The roof line always puzzles me, how would it look with a porch from one end to the other?

I think I will be like Scarlett, and think about this another day.


  1. You can make my purples! Beautiful!!!

  2. Your rugs are just the cat's meow... love them so much!

    Snappy Di

    Yes.. you need a porch.

  3. I think your roses are being attacked by Japanese Beetles, at least that is what it looked like to me.
    Beautiful rugs, even the one that wasn't your favorite. I think you matched it perfectly with the pillow. I too wouldn't mind being in Maine!

  4. Wonderful photoa all around. I love the rusty wheel barrow too. And I didn't know they were called Sedums. I have them in my front garden and have always known them as Autumn Joy.

  5. Yes, go for the porch-you will not regret it! You did a wonderful job of matching the colors for the commissioned rug! The new owners will be thrilled!

  6. Maybe a pergola-style roof to make up for the roofline? You can have the pergola-porch kind of partially covered for shade...

    L.o.v.e. the rugs


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