
Sunday, August 16, 2009


(click on any picture to enlarge)

This is one of three 4'x6' Solmate Sock rugs that I just finished tying the fringe on.
And I had to get this warp off the Toika, so I could warp it again for my next order.
This morning, I mowed the "back forty".....just kidding, it is only about 1/4 of an acre. But it was HOT and HUMID and it felt like the back forty.
And when I finished that, I was relieved to be sitting under the ceiling fan, tying on the new warp.
See? All things are relative. I didn't gripe about it, because it was so much cooler than mowing the lawn.

I just received this old rug in the mail, and I have to make a couple of runners like it. They won't be exact, of course, but I aim to get close, anyway.
I have yet to figure out the threading here, I am hoping for either a brainstorm, or the help of a wandering weaver who stumbles on this post, and says, OH, I get that!!!

It is quite old fashioned looking, and I do like it. I love challenges.

Last night, my family converged on Manchester, where we met at Candeleros, my second favorite Mexican restaurant, for dinner.
This is Nevinn, my oldest grandchild. He is going to be 12 in a couple of months. I know I am prejudiced, but isn't he handsome???
He is going to breaking hearts soon, I am sure.

After dinner, we headed to Weston, about 30 minutes from Manchester.
I first started going to the Weston Playhouse about 36 years ago. It was an accident, one of those times you stumble on a place, and are pleasantly surprised, because you had no expectations. The first play I saw there was "A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum".

Going down the hill heading out of Manchester, there is a MacDonald's on the right just ahead of this car, but they don't have the big golden arches. They have a 'small', unobtrusive sign, which is all they allow in Mancester, Vt.

My favorite to go here on a rainy day.
We got to Weston in plenty of time. We had to park a ways up the road, and walked past this lovely little brook.

Here is the playhouse. We saw "Rent"..........and no, I did not like it.
Not at all.
I guess I shouldn't is the only play I have truly not liked since the first one so many years ago. That is a pretty good average.
After the play, we all went downstairs to the "Cabaret", an impromptu show of singing and comedy.
We got home very late, and now I am chilling. I am not minding it at all. Guess the heat has finally got to me.
More tomorrow.


  1. Could that be a monk's belt threading? I can't see if there are any tabbies between the fabric strips, but it looks very familiar.

  2. OMG.......I can't find an email address to THANK you....but I think you might be DOES look like Monk's Belt.......I am SO excited!!!!!!!!

  3. What a great outing.. sorry you did not like the play. Quaint looking town!


  4. Sounds like a wonderful day AND you found your answer.

  5. I saw Rent many years ago, and it's not so much that didn't like it, I was entertained by it. I don't expect that much social commentary in a musical.

  6. It all sounds like a darn good day. Seeing Manchester agin is so nice, but I can't help but ask, has the bookstore been there a very long time. I seem to remember it in a different spot. Of course that was....wait, over 15 years ago.
    Can't wait to see how the rugs come out but it's an interesting one to work off of.

  7. I think the book store has been there a long time.....I will ask a friend of mine though...if it has ever been anywhere else.

  8. Intriguing rug to try to copy-you are up to it though! Nice tour of your town-enjoyed it.


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