
Friday, May 15, 2009

Kizzy Update and late Mother's day gift

Here is my baby boy, Kizzy. He stayed at the vet's for 3 days, and now he is home, and OK. I was so worried about him. So now and forever he is on a special food for urinary tract health.
Gotta love those vet bills!! But he is worth every penny.
My daughters came on mother's day, and they brought me plants for my garden, but apparently, the plants were just to throw me off course. The real gift was supposed to be photos taken by a friend of Morgan's, of all of them. I have seen his work before, it is outstanding, and I had requested this quite a while back. Go to to be knocked off your feet. I am serious.
Unfortunately, he had to cancel their photo shoot, so the pictures were not ready for mother's day...thus the plants.....which, by the way, I was totally satisfied with.
Then the other night, I was online, and checking out what people had written on my Facebook wall.......please understand that I do not GET Facebook, and I don't participate much other than to read what other people write there.....and I only joined because my cousin in ENGLAND invited me, and I wanted to see her pictures........anyway, it annoys me mostly.
But I went on there, and clicked on one of their names, after I had read their comment, and of them. And I knew right away what they were. Oops. I was supposed to be surprised.
Here are just a few............I love them all......and I don't understand how I ever got this lucky, to have beautiful girls like this. I have said it before, and will say it again......if I never did one other thing besides raise these girls, and love them, my life has been a success.

I think what I like most about these photos, is how their personalities shine out of their eyes..............too beautiful for words.
I say wow a lot these days....maybe it is my age.....but "Wow".

Coming soon.....a tour of the studio all cleaned up!!!


  1. They're gorgeous! Yeah, daughters are the best :) Although my oldest is in the doghouse for not visiting her mother on Mother's day when she lives in the same zip code. But she did call and wish me a happy Mother's Day the Thursday before. I had to remind her it was Sunday. Ding bat.

  2. Gorgeous photos.. what a lovely gift. I'm with you about Facebook though. I don't get it.. don't like it.. and joined so I could see some old high school page that my sister wanted me to see. To me, it feels like it still is a high school atmosphere.

  3. Don't you love it when they surprise us with things like that. I am not on facebook either..I was invited to join by my daughter in law but dropped off after seeing my Great Granddaughters pictures. I have not been back.
    I believe I have visited you another time. I think I found you on either Debbie's or Kathleens blog..but I am not sure. I think I made a comment about yarn. It's been some time back..
    Have a wonderful day..
    Thank you so much for your visit! :)

  4. Lovely pictures, lovely girls. So glad Kizzy's on the mend.

  5. Your girls are lovely and clearly a source of joy for you.

    I am on Facebook. All our kids are. Our ten-year-old granddaughter posts on her mom's page, always starting - this is Sissy and then goes on. I *love* Facebook. My step-grandson is in the Airforce and in Turkey. Facebook allows us to chat and at no cost. We were able to wish each other a happy Easter and I still cherish that conversation. My two cents.

  6. Sharon....maybe I am too challenged.....I don't know why I don't get it......maybe I should try harder. It does sound like it works for you.

  7. I'm not into Facebook either and don't plan on getting started. It's too much time spent on the computer for me!
    Loved this post. Such love and beauty. I was touched reading this.


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