
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Here it is September already, leaving me wondering what happened to summer.
I have a resident raccoon in the barn, who has decided to open EVERY bag of wood pellets, just to see if perhaps there might be something ELSE in the bag that he might like. The Havaheart is set with grape jelly, and let's hope that he has a sweet tooth. I don't have any particular dislike for raccoons, except when I have $1000 invested in wood pellets, and that changes everything.
I just bought the pellet stove, and the pellets, so that this winter I wouldn't cringe every time the furnace starts up, which by the way sounds like an old VW starting up in the cellar.

I am busy putting gumball rug kits together. I am pretty excited about this.........enough sock seconds from Sol Mate Socks cut into strips, toe clips, warp, and instructions, to make 2 (2'x3') gumball rugs. I sent out 5 kits today, which proves to me that other weavers are like me, they can't resist color and texture in a rug.
After my whirlwind trip to the UPS center, which has convinced me to get my own UPS account.......I met my friend Alice at the Feeder Dam, and we put our kayaks in the Hudson and paddled away. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, the water was like silk, and there was just a slight breeze. It was awesome, and I totally needed the break.
Sometimes I forget just how hard I work.

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