
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Another week flies by.

This has been another crazy week. Due to the impossibility of stopping up all the holes in the barn...including from below...since the woodchucks dig holes up into the barn.......we bought a 10'x14' metal shed to put the wood pellets in. After the first night, I thought my husband was going to "take the bridge", but after rereading the instructions, he decided to stick it out. His comment was, "I'm Irish, and if it takes me 6 months, I am going to get that "blankity-blank" together."
Today was day 4, and he had a helper for all 4 days, and he still has to put the door on. He says he has made mistakes, but it looks good to me. 956 bolts/screws he tells me. Sounds like a nightmare I had once.
Anyway, I was safe in the studio.......I declined to be his woman, eh?
And I had orders to finish, and orders to that was that.
I am still waiting on a crank for my newest loom acquisition, another Union Custom. I may try to put a warp on this week without the crank.....I just can't wait.
I had a student this week, Candy, and she was a quick study.....easy to teach, and eager to be a eager weaver? Yup......she was loving it, you can always tell when someone has been bitten by the weaving bug. She was getting herself all set up so she could do it all herself. She made a rug, and it looked great. She is off to a fine start. I can just imagine what she will be weaving a year from now!
She will be coming by one of these days to watch me warp sectionally, since her loom has a sectional beam, and it is my favorite way to put a warp on. I bet it will be hers, too.
Visit her blog, see her rug, and even find out how to make vanilla extract......I was amazed.....I never knew! I am going to have to try that one.
That is one of the perks of teaching weaving....I get to meet the nicest, most interesting people.
After all, they are going to be weavers, so it only makes sense.

1 comment:

  1. Are you in LA? I'm in Ventura, Ca. I'd love to talk more with you about your Toika.



I love that you have taken time out to stop by and say hello. Come back again!
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