It's the best I've got.
Does this not look amazing????
Whenever I have to answer the question "what is your favorite food?" My answer is always
And yes, I am aware that it is a weird answer for most.
But the snow persists, at least in this part of the north country.
This is a tofu stir fry that I love.
Towel production continues...........
Maybe it's because it's almost spring, or maybe something else, but I have been in a purging mood.
I used to use this hall area as my retail space, but to be honest, I don't really do much retail in house anymore, and for some reason, it totally bothered me.
It made my brain ache.
So I moved stuff, I organized, I got rid of stuff on FB marketplace,
I streamlined, downsized, and now the hall way is going to be my
weaving workshop area.
There is plenty of room for two, even three small looms, and the light is
I know you've probably seen my "Naya" cloaks before. I've been making them for a few
years now. It is a long sleevelss cloak that can be worn short or long.
Today, my part apprentice, Tatiana, wore the one that I helped her make, from
the yardage she wove here at the studio.
Getting a photo wasn't easy, as she had an admirer.
But I am so impressed with how she wore this piece, and made it
look like an entirely different piece of clothing.
I love it, and I love her style.
I may need her to model it this way at the guild show in November.
It is sure to be a hit!!!
So I'm keeping busy, trying to stay hopeful in this crazy new world.
Doing what I do best, and keeping my head down.
And weaving, of course.
Oh my! You hallway looks completely different! You really did a lot of work clearing that out. Very nice!
Your student has her own style and makes a wonderful model. She did a great job on that piece, too.
Have a sweet weekend. :)
Great clear out there; good for weaving classes. Your apprentice is a stunning model. Good weaver, too.
I'm a salad lover also, anytime of the year :)
Great job on clearing your hallway, you have inspired me to make a start on my Winter accumulation / junk.
Your apprentice is a beautiful young lady, and very talented !
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