
Crazy as a Loom

Monday, February 10, 2025

Brain cramp

Can you believe it?  I'm back.

I am pretty settled in my house.......happy to watch the weather from inside.
It's been bitter cold, and we just got a foot of snow.

I had to break down and have the drive way plowed.

Seems like I'm drinking more tea, if that's possible.  I'm up at 6am, and it's dark outside.
My routine is tea and the NY Times crossword, and all the other games I'm addicted to.
Spelling Bee, Strands, Connections, Mini crossword, Wordle, Letter Boxed, and the actual daily crossword.   
By the time it's light, I have finished all those, the tea long gone.
Then it's the shower, and something to eat.
Then it's straight into the studio, for whatever awaits me there.

I just finished this lace weight wool warp, and should have three pieces of clothing
from it.
The fabric has been washed, and is presently hanging to dry.

Hard to believe, but I limit my weaving time.  My shoulders are old, and lately have been talking to me, saying not very nice things.
So I am trying to ease up on them.

It's incredibly difficult to restrain myself.

I usually, actually always, share my methods, my patterns, and anything
else that people ask me for.

Except for this one in the photo below.


It is something that I played with and came up with.
Anybody could actually do it, but they don't.
Then they ask me for my "draft".........

And I hate that I feel selfish about it, but I do.
Silly, since I know that if anyone just sat down for a while, if they 
have been weaving any length of time, they could
probably figure it out.
But they don't.
And I did.

And it feels like my baby.

One person on FB even commented that as soon as she saw it, she thought 
"Hilary Cooper".

That made me smile.

So on one hand a voice in my head says I should knock it off,
and share it.
While another says, no, no, it's mine.

 (at least until someone else plots it out)

Who is right????   Me?  Or my conscience?

I promise I won't rant about politics, but I can't promise that I won't bring it up on occasion.

Back when T-rump was first elected, we had a nice Mexican restaurant right down 
the road, the only one in my little town.
He deported most of them, and it closed.
Everyone was upset, they were doing well, and they were hard working, good people.

Fast forward, and another one just opened last fall, even better than the first.
When my daughter and I were in there the other day, the waitress started talking about 
ICE, and how everyone was frightened.
It just infuriates me.
ICE is also yanking the workers out of the farms in my very rural county.  To what end, I ask you.
These people are working they are contributing, they are decent people who want to 
pursue life, liberty and happiness.And this is how we treat them.
I just don't get it.

And one more have heard T-rump's plan to change birthright citizenship?

It has always been true, that if a baby was born in this country, they were automatically a 
He wants to take that away.

Want to hear something funny?  or not so funny?  depending.

My mother came here from England in 1946 on the first shipload of war brides from England.
My father was in the Navy and they were married in England.

I was born in 1947...yes, I am old.

My mother became a naturalized US citizen.
I was curious, so I went through her box of papers that I still have.
Lo and behold.  
She was not a citizen when I was born.
She didn't become one until I was 2 and a half years old.

So if T-rump is successful, I am not a citizen of this USA, even though I was 
born here, and even though I have lived here all my life.

Now if that doesn't give you pause, please pinch yourself.

And I'll be back soon.
I think I'm on a roll.


Meg said...

What a beautiful warp, the last photo! I can't wait to see what you do with it.

Joanne Noragon said...

You are absolutely right about your circles. Just draft it, for crying out loud. If you understand what your loom is doing, piece of cake. If you don't, you have a lot more to learn. I had to do that once, and it was just over a simple eight harness checker pattern.

Cheryl said...

Your weaving is beautiful and you're very lucky to have something to occupy your mind....and supplement your income a bit.

This whole political climate is scary. I was listening to one of the Lincoln Project founders, George Conway, the ex of the infamous Kelly Ann. According to him, all these wonderful judges temporarily blocking Trump, actually have no power to enforce their rulings. The U.S. Marshals Service would have to enforce the rulings. The U.S. Marshals Service operates under the direction of the Attorney General. So in essence, they work for Trump. Things are scary right now and only going to get worse. Conway says the only way to fight back is to take to the streets to march and protest. Good people need to band together.

Anonymous said...

T-rump is married to an immigrant and it's never been clarified if her immigration was legal when it happened. Trace your lineage back to Scotland and he will have no disagreement as that's where his mommy was from. He talks out of both sides of his mouth. I keep watching for the senility to trip him up. The man who could not stay awake in his trials is alert and bouncing around. What's he on?

Rita said...

My grandfather came over from Sweden via Canada and finally landed in Minnesota. He was a teenager. Worked his way over on a boat. Was a lumberjack in Canada. I never gave it a thought. Did he ever officially become a citizen? And what about my great-grandparents who came over from Sweden? Did they officially become citizens out here farming on the prairie? Fill out forms and take tests? I doubt it. They barely spoke English. I might not be a citizen anymore either if Trump has his way.

KIM said...

Same here. My mother was born in Canada (and I almost was) and she became a naturalized citizen after I was born. He father landed in Canada from Sweden. Her mother landed in Canada from the US. Who knows what who is?

These are scary, scary times. I worry most about the most vulnerable of our society - immigrants, minorities, people who will lose their health care, and children and the elderly (Geeze, that's me!) who are dependent on Medicaid or Medicare to pay for healthcare and vaccines (the Covid vaccine included.) Do you think that vaccines will still be paid for under this administration considering who will be in charge of Health? Hello measles, good bye (what) freedom we have.

Welcome to my world.

Because every thread counts

Because every thread counts