
Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Surprise Visit.

Many years 20-25, I was on an online chat group, called Rug Talk.
I made friends, and I learned a lot about rug weaving.  Some of those friends are gone, and some are still around.

Several days ago, I got a message from one of them who lives in Wisconsn, she and her husband were touring the northeast in their RV, and would I like a visit?

 I've talked to "Karen in the Woods",  for all these years.  We shared info, we've sent things back and forth, we've admired each other's adventures from a distance.

When they got here yesterday, and she walked up on the porch, she looked exactly as I had imagined.  That doesn't always happen.  Even though you "know" someone on line, and you've seen photos of them, sometimes when you meet them in real life, it's a surprise, and not who you expected at all.
But Karen, other than being much taller than I thought, was a familiar, old friend giving me a big hug right away.

She and her husband Steve and I had a great visit, 

Needless to say, Willie liked them too.

I wish we lived closer, I can't imagine what we would get up to.  I
am pretty sure that we would have a blast, though.

I fell in love with their Winnebago's beautiful.
Unfortunately, I can't really imagine Willie and Naya liking it much at all.

Recently, I dumped Spectrum TV, to get my bill down.   These two helped me get a digital antenna hooked up, that I had given up on.  Now I get 21 channels that don't cost me a dime.
Happy dance here.

This past weekend, we had a family get together.  My three daughters continue to amaze me with their sweet selfs.

And these three........what can you even say about these three??????

Life happens, and today I can say that I am very grateful for mine.

What else is there, really?

Saturday, August 5, 2023


My trip to Urgent Care was not the end of my ankle injury.

It got worse and worse, until I finally had to admit that I had cellulitis.   A trip to my doctor and more antibiotic treatments,  a culture, and  more elevation and hot packs.
Finally, after about 10 days, it began to get better.  I was getting a little worried, to be honest.

My zinnias are doing ok, after being covered with a plastic fence until they were past the tender, delicious stage.

My decision to finally give up any attempt to do yard work, is beginning to make
me very happy.

The front of my house was all grown up, in fact, you couldn't even see the house from 
the road.  That may sound like. a good thing, but it looked like hell.

My teenage yard worker (with some help from his dad) has done an incredible job.

No more worry about the yard, and no more procrastination.  I am putting  money away every year for yard care.  Done deal.

Suddenly it's August.  Did you ever notice the change in the air this time of year.  
You can feel the autumn just around the corner.
As much as summer has to offer, I still love fall the best.

I took 60 items of clothing to the guild show last November, and I told myself then, that this year, I would only take 40.

But today, I counted, and I have 44 items of clothing already.

Maybe I'll start making more towels.

Today I did the unthinkable.  I took an 8 yard warp, already threaded, off the loom.
I hated it, and I could not in good conscience make myself weave it off.  It took me three hours to sley and thread and wind on that warp, and it took me 10 minutes to take it all off.

So now to thread a new warp.  I have to be crazy.

I took a break from weaving,  and made myself a new blouse.  I would change the 
neckline a bit on the next one, but I do like it.

The iron infusions have made a huge difference.  I am not napping every day.
I have energy to do things, and I feel like I just woke up.


I was talking to a friend today, about a trip long ago that we took, to a very rural area in northern New York, to get a loom.  We were both trying to remember the particulars, and I said. "oh, wait, I'll look in my blog"

And here it is:

It's true, any time I want to remember something that happened, or when it


I only have to look back in these pages, and for sure, it is there.

My daughters have even asked me about certain events, and the answers were right here, in my blog.

It's been like a diary of sorts, a chronological reporting of times in my life.

I  kind of wish I had started it years ago.