
Sunday, July 23, 2023


Looking back, I find it hard to get my head around where this last year has gone.

I've lived alone here now since last June, and I'm just beginning to understand how much my life has changed, and how much I have adapted.

I am doing it, even though at first I couldn't imagine how I would.

Here's my first garlic crop.  Twenty heads of hard neck garlic.   I am very pleased with them.

I have a natural warp on the Louet, and this is a mōbius shawl with a rose milk weft.

For several months, my Frigidaire refrigerator has been leaking water every day.
The seal was gone, and it was making horrific noises.
I made the decision to cut my losses, and buy a new one.  I decided on a side by side, 
so I have more freezer space.

This is the road we usually walk the dogs on, not much chance of seeing anyone, and that's
perfect for Willie.

Another mōbi off the same warp, this one has a rayon warp.  It's a little heavier, but 
still very soft.

This next one was the original treadle sequence, which I didn't particularly like, the red and 
the black ones above were woven with a random treadling that I came up with.

I decided a long time ago, that I did not have to treadle a draft the way it called for.

My boy.

As I have talked about previously, I have been getting increasingly exhausted.
I described it as "bone tired", and getting anything done was a huge challenge.

My first iron infusion was last Tuesday,  and just this weekend, I am beginning to 
feel the effects of it.

This weekend I have gotten more done than in two days than  I have in weeks and weeks.

Today, I feel like ME.   Wow.

The energy I have today is almost scary.   Almost.

I had a wonderful beet salad at a restaurant a couple of weeks ago, so I came home and recreated it.

 I have two more iron infusions, and I can't imagine how much better I will feel after I get them.  I am so grateful to the doctor who finally listened, and put two and two together.

This is Lois' corner, where she is working on dish towels.

In my energized state, I decided to change the studio up.   My friend, Sue, gave
me lots of good ideas and things to think about, and this afternoon, I started moving 
things.  It might take a few days to get it all together, but when I do, I'll be back with photos.

I'm so excited.


  1. I am so very glad that you are feeling more yourself again. Having a doctor who listens makes all the difference. :)
    BTW, I just LOVE my dishtowels! Posted about them on my blog.
    Have an energetic week, Hilary. :)

  2. That is wonderful that you are feeling more energetic and that the infusions are working! Those shawls are very pretty, as are the tea towels in that last picture. Aren't beet salads just so good!?! -Jenn

  3. Glad to read that the iron infusions are helping; it's so wonderful to feel tangible improvements!


  4. So glad your energy is returning after getting what your body needs. I love your words, "I decided a long time ago, that I did not have to treadle a draft the way it called for". There's a life lesson in there!


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