
Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Think spring?

I always love to share things I've found that work well, or just improve my life in some way.

My Le Creuset  NONSTICK frying pan, that was very expensive, only lasted a couple of years, before the nonstick surface was no more, and I do not own any metal spatulas, so I know that I am not responsible.

So I asked a friend, who is an avid chef, in my opinion, and she suggested this Swiss brand, Carote.  It is a nonstick graniteware frying pan, $35, and so far I love it.

I have been obsessed  busy with dyeing warps to sell, and so far they have been 
flying out of here.

I had to decide how many threads, how long to make the warp, but for now I've settled on
300 threads, 8 yards long, until someone tells me that they want something

I admit to amusing myself with this.  I love it.

This, of course, has prompted me to try to refine my process, make it smooth and as trouble free as possible. I've been working out the steps of my dyeing process so that it is as easy as I can make it.
 I think I'm getting it.

Before this awful cold snap we've been having, the weather was just lovely, and walking
the dogs was not painful, like it has been this week.

But weather will not keep these two out of the hot tub.   To say that they love it is an understatement.

I have discovered that life goes on, no matter how much you expect that grief should stop it cold in its tracks.

Doing what is right in front of me seems to be the best medicine.  Also, a routine, albeit a new routine.

I try very hard to keep busy all day, and in the evening it's time to chill on the sofa with Naya and Willie.

That's Sydney soaking up the heat in front of it.

The cold front that has swept in makes me more of a hermit than ever, I'm afraid.
I'm not entirely sure that's a bad thing.

Dyeing with all these luscious colors makes me happy and lightens my mood every time.

There's also a great feeling of satisfaction in turning No color into something like this.

These three are also a dose of sunshine and happiness.
Every time.

Two more weeks of January, and it seems like spring is just around the corner.  I know, 
I am inappropriately hopeful.

In other news, my bathroom ceiling looked like it was beginning to show signs of deteriorating, and believe me, you do not want lathe and plaster to start coming down.
So my handy neighbor and his helper have been replacing the ceiling, painting and making the upstairs bath look pretty brand new.

Walking the yard the other day, I realized that there are branches down there's a job for spring.

That's ok.   I still want spring to come soon.  It can't come soon enough.


  1. I thought spring all last winter, which was fairly mild, until March. We didn't recover before the middle of April.
    I do love your new warps, but that collection of grands even more.

  2. Your hand dyed warps are just gorgeous!!! You have such a talent for putting colors together with stunning results.
    Always great to see the little ones.
    Stay safe and warm. :)

  3. Those little smiles just warm the heart! You are so blessed!

  4. The grands!! Soon I will have two of my own, so looking forward to it! The dye colors are gorgeous. I've often thought I should find the patience to do some knitting. So far I haven't found it, LOL. Stay warm!

  5. I love your posts! What beautiful threads you are dying and weaving!

    Just FYI - Le Creuset will replace your pot if you send it to them.

  6. I somehow have fallen away from reading blogs regularly. Too much time spent on the dreaded FB! I am in the process of changing that.

    So reading this and your last post, NOW I know why you're dyeing like mad! I'm very happy for you that your dyed warps are selling like hotcakes. Not a surprise with your love of color. :-)

    And yes, of course, one foot in front of the other, do the task that's right in front of you, develop some new routines but remain open to change and flexibility. You're good at all of that. Sending hugs.

  7. But now it really IS spring, and we miss you!


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