
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Well, my web site is down, so I'm posting here, but who knows if anyone will read it here........

I guess we'll see.

I have been on the phone with the server for longer than I care to be, and they haven't fixed it yet.
Honestly, I am wondering why I bother.   Do I really need a web site.......?   I sell mostly off FB, from things that I post, or from people who order something custom.   And in the real world,  before 2020, I sold at shows........but the web site, ah, not so much.
So I am teetering on the brink of saying.....screw it.  I don't need you.

The summer has been productive, if stressful.
The barn is really gone....every last board of it.
I thought I might be sad, but I'm really not.  This is the view from the back porch.

It actually feels like we have a NEW screen porch.....because the barn used to be all that we could see, a mere 5-6 ft away.   

Here's a panoramic view of what my back yard looks like now........from the back steps.  Soon that will be grass to the right of the picket fence, and flowers, and relaxing places to read a book under the trees.

This has been a strange summer for squashes.  This is my take from all that work.  Disappointing to say the least.   I think next year, I will forego that particular garden plot, leave it to lawn, and go to the farmer's market on Saturday mornings.

I've been weaving pretty sporadically.....since there was so much work to do outside.   I have managed to get a few pieces done though.

This is cotton aloe stellina, hand dyed.

I have a new fave salad,  totally my youngest daughter's fault.  She got me hooked on it, and now I eat it practically ever day.

I'm going to give you the ingredients, in case you are so inclined.

A half of a big bag of kale, removed from spines and sliced into slivers.
half a bag of brussel sprouts, sliced thin.
large handful of craisins, large handful of nuts....I used walnuts.
Shaved parmesan.
Couple handfuls of arugula
The dressing is the juice of one lemon, and an equal amount of EVO.

It is better after it has been in the fridge a while, and it lasts for days, if you don't eat it all before then.

On the Louet, some green tea modal, hand dyed.

Some yardage.

After a muddy walk, then having your FEET  washed (humiliating) it's time for a nap.

And what Naya does, Willie does.  Period.

On the food front, again........I found another new fave.   Riced cauliflower.   It's in the freezer section.

I made this cauliflower fried rice....(there's no rice in it)......but it tastes JUST like fried rice......I am serious.
It is just plain delicious.
I don't know if I will make it any other way.
Recipe:  Pinterest.

The tomatoes did a wee bit better than the squashes did, so I roasted some and made tomato soup.

This is another piece of the green tea modal, with a different weft.

I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted, spent.
Too much politics, too much bad news.   I am tired of all of distancing, wearing masks, the worry, the changes in our lives.
I know it doesn't matter, if I'm sick of it or not, as well as I know that I am certainly not alone.

I do the best I can, day to day.  I try to only go a few places.....I stay home.........

My days are so routine that if I change one thing, my dogs look at me like I am abusing them.
They are so creatures of habit.
Lois and I walk, every morning......2-3 miles.......then I work either in the studio, or in the yard, or in the house....there is always something that needs doing.  
I read.  I do the NY Times crossword.
I work.  I read.  I cook and sometimes bake.
I. Stay. Home.  All the time. :)
Do I sound like I'm getting a bit crazy????  Maybe.

Oh, and I take care of 31 chickens, and that's no joke.

And sometimes, I chill with a glass of wine, and I'm thankful for all I have.  For my home, and the safety and comfort of it.   I take a deep breath, and think about what I will do tomorrow.


  1. Your weaving is so lovely. The colors are just beautiful! I may try that riced cauliflower - it looks delicious. Not sure about the Kale salad but most of the ingredients sound yummy - I am just not convinced I like kale! Thanks for an informative post!

  2. Oh, dear Hilary, you do more in a day than I do in a week. Just take it as it comes. The view from your back door has changed dramatically, and is beautiful. I'm sorry the web site is not doing well, but when you don't renew, you can plant some more flowers by the fence.

  3. I subscribe to both blog and webpage (as well as FB). Never miss a post. You are an inspiration and I am grateful for you.

  4. I think we are all tired of the world today! I know I am.

  5. I have missed you, Naya, Willie, and your beautiful weaving. I am subscribed to both your blogs. I was gone from my blog for a month due to being overwhelmed by everything going on and needing a break from the internet and the news. Yes, I think we are all tired of the stress. But, like you, I am happy to be home where I am content.

    PS I would love to see the chickens. ;)

  6. Sounds very much like my life these days, right down to the dog looking at me with questions in her eyes when the time approaches for our walk. Hard to believe we have been doing this for six months. And she is not let me off the hook. The salad sounds wonderful, one I would like to try. Uncooked Brussels sprouts is my question though? The yard looks great.


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