
Saturday, September 1, 2018

Waiting for fall

I’m sorry, I’m just not a fan of extreme heat.  I’d rather put a coat on.

Because this, my friends, is too much summer.

The garden has gone jungle.  I have made the decision to forego all canning, freezing, etc.

I’m just going to make more gazpacho, since I gave a lot away.

When I wake up to cool breezes through the window, meaning August is over, it’s a great relief. 

I love autumn, every single day of it, right to the first snow. 

I only wish it lasted longer.

This is Sydney, trying to be part of my porch table centerpiece.  Though I think she may have cooled on her love of the screen porch, after getting locked out and spending a whole night out there.

When I woke up and couldn’t find her, I knew right away what had happened.  When I opened the kitchen door, she shot in like a bullet.

Then she clung to me all morning.

So yeah, I think she’s over the porch.

6:30am finds me drinking my coffee in my corner of the sofa.  Naya has been out and fed, now she’s lying at my feet.

Cats have been fed. Chickens fed, watered, let out into their big yard.

And I have no commitment to be anywhere or do anything today.


Surely a sign of getting older, when  that one thought brings joy,

Every now and again, I start a knitting project, and get interrupted part way through.

This one was started last August, 2017, and I just found it. Had to learn the stitch all over again, but I finished the one sock, and I’m half way through the second one..

It’s called cherry swirl, the pattern is free on Ravelry.

I’m hot to finish them, so I can start something I’ve been wanting to make for awhile.

The pattern was only available as a kit, it was pricey, but I finally treated myself to it.

I have been weaving with wool silk, a first for me.

Imagine my horror, when I realized the shrinkage rate was 27%. Yes, you read that right.

Sent me right back to the drawing board.  Calculating.

I found something new that I really like, so sharing it here.

You can google it, go to their web site, and they’ll tell you how they make it.

I just know that it makes a fantastic shake, only one WW point.  I use almond milk, frozen bananas, and sometimes a handful of spinach.  Turns out green, but still tastes like PB, one of my favorite things.

I came across this old photo, grandson #1 on the right, and grandson #2 on the left.

Is it just as you get older, that you are blindsided by how fast time has flown?

Here is grandson #1 a few days ago, going to be 21 in a few weeks.

Ah, life. So amazing, so humbling, so very precious.

You live it one day at a time, but then, when you look back, it seems like it went by in huge pieces.


  1. The wool silk is really lovely and looks so soft. If we end up retiring someplace with cooler weather, I may need more things like that. We had a week of 70's with breezes and it was awesome. I know Autumn, my favorite season, isn't here yet. Even feeling little hints of it makes me happy.

  2. A succinct, and beautiful picture of life going round.

  3. Thanks so much for posting the sock pattern name and that I could get it for free. I downloaded it before I even finished reading the rest of your blog post! :-) I love knitting socks, especially as the weather gets cooler.

    Those 'time lapse' photos are amazing, aren't they? They are the primary reason I moved from my country home 90 miles away to the city 3 years ago. I wanted my grands to really know me. And they do. BIG :-)

  4. Such a lovely shawl. And so glad to know you and I share something together: a love of autumn. I'll have to go look up that PB concoction, based on your recommendation I'll give it a try. :-)

  5. Would love to know the name of the shawl pattern and where tbe kits are sold!

  6. this summer here in NYC has been until today a nightmare of heat/humidity .. this morning i shut the windows ... in addition to rain its really chilly .. i love it .. i hope it lasts .. this year Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur come early ... this evening begins Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is in a week and it seems that it doesnt really cool off/stay cooled off here til after Yom Kippur ..


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